Source Code

orange county

To the previous entry, actually, south county is one of the most conservative parts of the country. California may be liberal, but Orange County, especially South Orange County, is mainly conservative. Especially the soccer moms in their SUVS.

Wow! Orange County, although in California, is so conservative.

by OC Resident August 26, 2006

239๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stafford County

A place that is, in fact, three places. There is the center, full of commerce. The middle ring has the normal, suburban living. The outer ring is a waste land, which few venture to. Most living there have careers elsewhere and commute or support the infrastructure that the commuters live on. It's a dull place, where teenagers are either having sex or are completely bored out of their minds. Adults plan to retire there. Fredricksburg students who want a hope for the future generally transfer to Stafford County High Schools.

"I live in Stafford County."

"So you're old, having sex or bored?"

by Sixten Thomson October 24, 2006

77๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

lebanon county

1. a small town in south central Pennsylvania.
2. a place where Puerto Ricans go to breed.

1. She was wearing pajamas, had four teeth, ratty brown 80's hair, and was pushing her children in a stroller; it was easy to tell that she was from Lebanon County.

2. She looks like a welfare recipient, probably from Lebanon County.

by lil bitchy June 13, 2008

108๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Montgomery County

A county in Maryland in the DC metro area where you can have the CEO of a multi billion dollar company living in a super wealthy neighborhood 5 minutes from a construction worker living in a working class neighborhood. Areas like Potomac, Bethesda, Chevy Chase etc are extremely wealthy and if you happen to be normal middle class renting a house in one of those areas then I feel sorry for you because you will feel overwhelmed. Areas like Kensington, Germantown, Rockville etc are more standard middle class and areas like Wheaton and Silver Spring are on the lower middle class-lower class end. This doesn't say that there isn't someone living in Potomac who might be lower middle class somehow or that there aren't people in silver spring who are relatively affluent. Many kids though in the richer areas have a fucked view on things because they go to places like Wheaton and shit themselves when really I honestly think it's ok there because I moved to Moco 4 years ago and had spent my childhood in an apartment in a working class neighborhood. Anyway the county is very diverse and you will find everything here.

Potomac guy: I had such a hard day omg I went to Wheaton fucking ghetto holy shit it was scary af bro!!

Kensignton guy: your life is fucked. Fucking Montgomery County

by moconahhh July 12, 2013

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Enfield county

Welcome to Enfield county. Basically no ones straight and everyone chats shit about each other. The most hated year is 8 and year 9s think they run lower (they love to get involved in everything no one asked babes)There is no beef and the schools so dead whenever something happens they go back on snap and talk about it for days. Every teachers breath stinks and you can get excluded for basically anything. If thereโ€™s beef itโ€™s 99% verbal. Year 7 are short and compressed and year 10Scare irrelevant. Year 11s are basically studs. Thereโ€™s too many girls in that school who canโ€™t slick their hair and have the audacity to come to school looking like sheepโ€™s. Thereโ€™s also girls who have the audacity to talk about the fact they gave head no one cares luv๐Ÿ˜˜

Person 1: Enfield county is filled with skets

Person 2: yeah I have her nudes

by tasnimdaetona April 1, 2020

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

sullivan county

A county in upstate New York two hours northwest of New York City. Since the advent of the automobile lower middle class New Yorkers (mainly Italians, Jews and Eastern Europeans) lured by what they can afford, have been building second homes in the wooded region. Having peaked when SC played host to the original Woodstock festival, much of the camps and resorts have fallen into disrepair. Children of the original transplants are neither urban nor rural. They are neither farmers nor educated. Motocross passes the time while they wait for land prices to push them further North.

sullivan county

by county joe and the fish May 4, 2011

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Livingston County

An incredibly boring county in mishitgan that is full of political flip flopping republicrat asswipes, shitty drivers, inbred hicks, dumb hipsters, arrogant rich people (Brighton), self righteous assholes (Howell), racist rednecks (Cohoctah), homosexuals and whitler lovers.

Also there are literally NO single women here because there are more men than women in this lousy county.

Livingston County should be called DEADvingston County.

by Themidwestsucks June 15, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž