A play on video games "non-player character" mixed with a play on The Simulation Hypothesis.
An NPC is seemingly a human that is unable to think objectively.
Jake: Drake is the GOAT, Clb>>>Donda
Kyle: Drake makes music for NPC'S
.....or something like that
Non Player Charactor people who are part of the players world that all they do is wander around the player charactor to represent a normal world. follow the player around and help them, sell them items, give them jobs.
gen z use definition: someone in realife trying to get thought life normally without being important or annoying
it was so sad when the robot NPC in call of duty infinite died
gen z definition:look at the NPC doing his homework lets go bully him for not being popular and caring more about his education
A Person who just spawns in and is Ascendant II in Valorant Most of the time named richard
Yo have you seen Richard
You mean the NPC
When someone is acting like he's programmed to do so.
They often have the worst social skills, sense of fashion and have the weirdest hobies.
''Look there is Floris, he is an NPC''
''That dude is absolutely acoustic, he is like an NPC''
An NPC is a person that acts like a non-playable-character.
You can find theese people in: High School, Primary school, Work, Public transport and much more places
Theese people dont have any personality and they certainly dont have any friends. They only interact with other npc's and its often a dead interaction
"Ilyas is such an NPC"
"Stop acting like an NPC"