When your so deep in the pussy you don't even know where your dick is
Man last night I went all Narnia on her
A joke I overused in 6th grade.
Friend: NO NO NO
A real bitch and thinks they are really pretty but not,she basically has no purpose in life and well I hope she commits suicide.Anyway,being friends with a narnia is the worst choice of your life
Girl2:Why are you crying?
Girl1: A girl stole my boyfriend
Girl2:I bet she is a narnia
So if you are friends with narnia,be smart and unfriend her.
very very scrawny or skinny.
see also Scrawny McTwigerthin.
dude 1: dammm that dude is scrawnicles of narnia
When someone goes so deep into the closet that they come out the other side in Narnia
Sally’s working at a hedge fund now and it looks like she went full Narnia
That moment when you realize that where you live hasn't even picked up on the latest news, etc.
That Narnia moment when I realize that the new album hasn't even been released in my country.
That Narnia moment when I realize that Silly Bandz are still popular where I live.
Any child who grew up with The Chronicles of Narnia books and movies in the 2000s (mainly the live action movies which gave a bit more exposure).
There were so much fantasy themed generations in the 2000s like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia. But which one I'm personally part of is the Narnia generation because I have the most emotional connection to the Narnia books because they were my favorite novels growing up.