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worst pain ever

Men: Being kicked in the balls!
Woman: Giving birth!
Some men: Knowing its your baby!

Lucy kicked Frank'o in the balls while giving birth to frank'os son!

That's the worst pain ever!

by shaun gardner October 4, 2006

63πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Worst Friend Ever

Someone who won't go to a wedding if it isn't open bar.

Lynna: Is Kyle going to Lindsey's wedding?

Seth: He would literally skip a friends wedding if it wasnt open bar. Shallow.

Lynna: Man, he is the worst friend ever

by beebe feeve July 27, 2010

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Worst Thing Ever!

The worst thing ever is sitting on the toilet holding a bucket to puke in.

Sitting on the toilet and holding a bucket is the Worst Thing Ever!

by GreenDog7 January 18, 2012

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

worst rapper ever

the worst rapper ever is justin bieber

justin bieber

ME:man listen to justin bieber rap he is worst rapper ever jb fan:no hes not
ME:yep he is

by ME 22 April 7, 2010

42πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Worst President Ever

Donald Trump

From Paul Krugman's opinion piece in NYTimes, 8/18/17

Even before the media obsession with Hillary Clinton’s email server put The Worst President Everβ„’ in the White House, historians were comparing Donald Trump to Caligula, the cruel, depraved Roman emperor who delighted in humiliating others, especially members of the empire’s elite.

by seil40 August 18, 2017

1136πŸ‘ 437πŸ‘Ž

worse comes to worst

When something has gotten as worst as it can get. It can get bad to worse and worse to worst, but it can't get worse than worst.

The usage of "if the worST comes to the worST" has been common, but not logical, because you can't get worse than worst. On the other hand, "if the worst comes to the worst" has also been attributed not to the deterioration of the condition, but the general idea that "if the worst really comes to exist." In such cases, it makes sense in its own way.

"Worse to worse" on the other hand, is usually just a mistake.

If worse comes to worst, then worst does not come to worse.

by d_art June 28, 2006

203πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

Worst Wrestling Entertainment

Wrestling promotion on the USA network, and what "WWE" really stands for. An embarrassment to not just professional wrestling, but to the human race in general.
World Wrestling Entertainment? More like Worst Wrestling Entertainment. WWE is a the worst promotion around.

Worst Wrestling Entertainment

by E.L. February 22, 2013

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž