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A very addicting app.

Person 1- Have you heard of that new app, TikTok?
Person 2- Yeah, I got 2 hours of sleep last night because of it

by no, luv❀️ March 17, 2020

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One of the worst video sharing platforms in existence. Content ranging from unfunny jokes/memes, teens faking disorders/mental illnesses (often which are DID, psychosis, schizophrenia, Tourettes, ect), parents posting about their whole life including their children, celebrity worshipping, stupids said dangerous trends, people fighting over stupid shit, clout chasers and the spawn of obnoxious personalities that 80% of the users have.

A lot of these people aren’t aware their online footprint and what impact it might have on their future, and knowing that a good majority them show their face and talk about extremely personal things about their life that they really shouldn’t be talking about... it’s not doing much benefit (for them at least). When it comes to debating and arguments, people just see it as black and white. Say anything going against any side and you’ll get hateful labels and buzzwords thrown at you.

Overall, the app is poison to the mind and has spawned a lot of problems both inside and outside the app. It shrinks your attention span and brainwashes you. The content is shit and not worth wasting your time.

Person 1: Why were people recording the car accident that happened near the school last week?

Person 2: They were recording it for TikTok clout, Catherine.

by A Unicorn under your bed December 20, 2021

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A cringeworthy app with weird songs that sound stupid and silly dances. Contains a lot of brats, addicts, and people who β€œthink” they are TikTok stars.

Girl: Have you seen Ashley? She is a TikTok Star!
Girl 2: OMG, really? I thought her TikToks had no potential!

by Cheeto_Mommy994 October 1, 2019

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A fun hobby to do when you have no life

β€œWhat did you do yesterday?” β€œOh I wasted my precious time on tiktok!”

by JaundicePig August 14, 2019

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A video sharing program that is so popular because of this damn virus

Lucas:Have you tried TikTok yet? It is actually a good social media platform!
Amy:No,not yet. The reason why is I told myself to never join TikTok. They ruin all the great songs!
Lucas:Oh,I see.

by playingwitha3ds June 28, 2020

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Formerly known as Musical.ly, this app is even cringier before Musical.ly became Tik Tok. This app consists of white trash hillbilies, more furries, weird old men and more SJW scum.

Scumbag: Hey Billy, you should try TikTok!
Billy: Uh, not thanks. That app is even cringier after the TikTok update.
*Scumbag leaves*

by fakename06 November 27, 2018

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A social media platform designed to allow braindead people watch other braindead people do stupid shit

Woman - Hey check out this TikTok Video
Boyfriend - I feel as I have lost IQ points after that

by TheRealTruth5150 July 8, 2020

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