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Loves anals and having sex with a person that has a name starting with A. Lesbian, but stills love S bigs cock.

Trinity is a bitch

by Ydjhhxhxhahhshxhdhhdeudhhdh September 27, 2019

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A girl who is small but very pretty. She has beautiful blue eyes and long brown Hair. Is is usually into big cats and quite popular!

Trinity the little trouble maker!

by J4zzjacks0n May 28, 2017

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


There are two types of trinity’s

1. The most sweetest thing who is quite reserved but loud when you get to know her and the life of the party.


2. A chick who acts all depressed, innocent, shy and pretend to be your best friend just to use you to either get with guys or to gain popularity. She’s that type of girl who will form the closest relationship with you and then next minute turn her back and do everything in her power to fuck you over and destroy your life. This will either be stemmed from her decision that you just aren’t good enough to be her friend despite having a one sided relationship where you’d do anything for her, or over a guy despite your past promises and efforts to ensure that never happens. She will not hesitate to spread fake rumours about you to everyone you know and anyone that matters. The devilish Thot will try to steal your man and even after not talking for years she will become close with any ex you’ve ever had and will completely scrap any code you’ve ever had and hook up with them.

She will go to extremes just to make you suffer including manipulating your friends (who aren’t mutual friends of yours) into hating you. She will contact your boss to try and fire you from your job and will blame you for her depression and anxiety when the only thing you are guilty of is trying your hardest to keep the friendship.

And the worst part is that you do feel guilty despite having done nothing.

Someone: β€˜Aren’t you best friends with trinity?’

Me: β€˜No!! Not since she stabbed me in the back because of a guy’

by Annonymoussmith May 15, 2019

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A smart, cute, loyal girl that will stand by your side no matter what happens. She tends to be a very good person in bed, and talks very freaky to the ones she loves the most.

I want a loyal girl...... I want Trinity

by Hidden Secrettttt May 14, 2017

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The biggest lie in the Christian faith.

Christian teachings say that Jehovah, Jesus and Holy Spirit are the same, or a trinity. No so. Jehovah is father, supreme being, who, using his Holy Spirit (active force) created Jesus, (son).

by I don't attend January 15, 2009

27πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


the sexiest fat guy in school, who has an amazing somewhat of awesome beard on his face. smells like addidas all the time. and plays football and rocks it.

trinity is awesome at football and being fat.

by john5478975 November 9, 2011

15πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


Trinity is usually a big beasty woman. She smells and most likely hasn't showered in about a week and a half. She stinks to high heavens and is known for eating chickens whole. She can barley fit through a door and has to wear a diaper to sleep. She does nothing but sit at her kitchen table and eat and she probably has a Roblox account. She has also probably, and if not yet, will soon date someone who only has the change of one shirt. She also wants to jump in and drown herself in a bowl of beans, for the sweet relief of death.

Person #1 - "God, what is that smell. It smells like a hot Mexican bean burrito on a Sunday evening in McDonald's parking lot."

Person #2 - "Oh yeah man, shes in my trunk, her name must be Trinity."

by Sadie()Is()My()Lady December 27, 2017

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