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timmy turnip

When you give a mans bellend a twist clockwise

My dad gave me a Timmy turnip

by Sambohdi Steve October 26, 2015

to slip the turnip

when one’s conscious abilities are altered into delirium due to oodles (a great quantity) of alcoholic beverages.

to slip the turnip ex. “God! Zoe really slipped the turnip when she started throwing cuscus out the apartment window in Morocco.”

by Dolores Harrell July 27, 2022

Turnip hexagon

Someone who is a real Scout Boom Boom

Nicola is a real Turnip Hexagon

by Bowagek February 4, 2021

Turnip brain


Tyson is a turnip brain

by Ajdkaiends January 5, 2020

You really cut the turnip

To mess things up royally; originally used by 19th century farmers to mean "an embarrassing mistake during a harvest"

"You've booked the table for the wrong day, you really cut the turnip on this one"

by Wordsmitheu July 17, 2022

Hairless turnip

Meaning scrotum or referring to a male genitalia; balls; shaved testicles

You ain’t nothing but a hairless turnip

by James St. Patrick February 17, 2020

Hairless turnip

Another word for scrotum; balls; testicles that’s shaved

You ain’t nothing but a hairless turnip.

by James St. Patrick February 17, 2020