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Umbrella Head

Someone who enjoys uncircumcised penis and enjoys docking with other men.

"Did you see Jerry sharing his hoodie with rob the other day? What a fucking Umbrella Head!"

by MagicKing June 28, 2019

backwards umbrella

Where the doctor inserts an umbrella down the uthera then scraps out any sexually transmitted diseases from having sex with dirtys

I had to goto the doctor after banging a filthy to get a backwards umbrella to get rid of sti

by Big hairy gash March 3, 2018

uber umbrella

When you hop in an Uber just because it's raining.

Rob: Should we take the bus down there?

Jack: Nah, we might have to wait for it in the rain. I'll call Uber Umbrella.

by Yamyogurt February 8, 2018

Dirty umbrella

This is when you pull your hand away from fingering your lady and you caress and cover her forehead and hair with said juice covered hand.

Hey, you know Dave?


He gave me the dirty umbrella last night.

-so, he basically wiped his hand off on your hair

Yup, pretty much.

by ThorMacleod March 21, 2021

Umbrella Socialism

Umbrella socialism - It is a common illusion that umbrellas are not exclusively personal belongings but socially-owned items that should be shared by anyone else, not just by the supposed owners, contributing to radically reducing a sense of guilt that using others' without any permission is a clear case of theft.

"Hey, that's not your umbrella, is it? I saw that in the umbrella stand at the cafe, when we went in"
"I steal theirs, as they steal mine. That's Umbrella Socialism".

by Hiroish June 22, 2014

Stella Umbrella

Traditionally a cocktail created by the upper class down and out, this concoction demanded two crucial elements ; an umbrella and a can of stella. The original version used a childs pink umbrella but to personalise the drink you may exchange it with an umbrella of any size or colour, however the larger the umbrella the more difficult it is to retrieve the can.

Discovered in a little bookshop in hampstead this drinks name has evolved into a bit of a catch phrase.

"See that chap over there me old boot! He whiffs of the sewers, has dark haunted eyes, scabs on his face but doesn't seem to have a spec of dirt on him and his clothes are brand new!

Yep, he's a right stella umbrella!"

by me old boot June 16, 2011

Devil's Umbrella


Guy 1- Dude...Did you hear that Nathaniel's got the devil's umbrella!"
Guy 2 - "No way...I thought that guy was normal"

by reubentheboobinjewbin December 7, 2010

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