1) A fascist enterprise dedicated to spraying fake and antisemitic definitions ( see Jew ).
2) A website where any contributors/ morons think it's funny to post semi-intellectual definitions about a celebrity they never even met, even though it has been done thousands of time.
Probably not going to get publish, don't care at least i said what i needed to say.
P: Dude have you been to Urban Dictionary recently? They have some sick definitions. LOL XD
N: Nah, they're just a band of fascist pricks who would rather insult entire communities who have already been persecuted throughout their entire history, and man, I'm just not into that.
P: Whatever, Hipster.
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Urban Dictionary is a website that anyone can access. More made for teens, urban dictionary is a place to go to find the definition of slang words and phrases. Anyone can post a word and definition on Urban Dictionary without any resources. Therefore don't trust what you read on this site. This site has over 4.85 million definitions that are rated by people who visit. It was created in 1999 by Aaron Peckham when he was a freshman studying computer science at California Polytechnic State University. I personally enjoy the site because it gives me a good laugh. Some of the things people write are ridiculous. Key concept 5 is shown here- all media messages are subjective and contain values, lifestyles and points of view. The things posted on the website are posted based on someoneβs values and what that specific word or phrase means to them. By reading theses definitions, you are experiencing what that person thinks about the word and what it means to them.
Father- "He just sent me a text saying wtf?! What does that mean?"
Kid- "Look it up on Urban Dictionary grandpa."
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A miserable excuse for a dictionary. It is actually only a place for prepubescent morons to rant about what they believe defines their own inexperienced lives. Most of the contributors have not yet grown any hair on their balls, and have tarnished the reputation of the dictionary. Many of the words in this dictionary are fictional.
Any person who takes Urban Dictionary seriously is probably under 15 years of age.
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An online dictionary that teenagers and college students make horrible slang entries for words. Their entries often are sexual, racist, anti-semetic, poorly written, and very vague. Shows one of the reasons why the world's education is steadily becoming worse.
Although Wikipedia is also editible by anyone, Wikipedia is a much better site to look for definitions. It's more of an encyclopedia, but their community is alot better than this site.
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The site you're looking at right now.
Urban Dictionary is where you define your world.
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A very screwed up place, where a bunch of drunk or mentall case unsupervised teenagers whine about Famous people, and their friends, and make their sexual or racist remarks. They treat this place like some sort of slumber party hangout place, where they can say whatever the heck they want. All they ever do is babble about things they know nothing about.
A true story example: Someone hated me for being black. Urban Dictionary does that a lot and often does it to others as well.
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A dictionary where people come to show off their usage and
clever defenitions of words nobody cares about.
EMO- A word that is used way too much on urban dictionary.
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