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A shit game that lags and makes u miss all your shots when your crosshair is one them :D

you play that game valorant

by Pocket Reyna September 13, 2021


game made by the league of legend guys

the games not fun at all and completely dogshit but the players cant bring themselves to quit because they have an inventory full of $80 cosmetics and flippy knives

guy 1: do you want play valorant?
guy 2: sure

*2 games later*

guy 1: fuck this game
guy 2: you spent your life savings for a knife
guy 1: you right

*1 game later*

guy 2: fuck this game

by shittygamereviews August 31, 2022


Valorant is the best game ever besides Prime Fortnite but Prime valorant is as good as prime cs and as sexy as prime cs.

valorant is sooooo god

by Hallah hallah March 21, 2022


VALORANT is a 5vs5 Character-based Tactical First-Person Shooter developed and published by Riot Games. VALORANT takes aspect from other popular FPS titles such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Rainbow Six: Siege and Overwatch, and blends them into a precise, consequential and highly-lethal shooter experience.

Players assume the role of “agents” within a near-future dystopian world with each having a unique set of abilities to compliment the lethal set of 17 different guns available to every player.What is the objective in VALORANT?
The game's competitive mode is 5vs5 with one team assuming the attackers and the other the defenders with the first to reach 13 rounds to win the match.

The attacker’s goal is to plant and detonate an item called “the spike” at one of two (or three) sites on the battlefield, while the defender’s objective is to prevent the spike from detonating, both teams can also win the round if they eliminate the enemy.

Each round is 2:10 minutes in total with 30 seconds dedicated to the preparation period and 1:40 minutes of time for each team to achieve their respective objectives. Teams switch sides at round 13.

wtf why are u playing valorant

by sneakylink;) January 27, 2022


A tactical first-person shooter developed by Riot Games is 2020. Lots of sweats and smurfs, after Fortnite kids realized there was a new game for them to sweat at.

Person 1: Dude, there are so many smurfs in valorant.
Person 2: arent you a smurf?
Person 3: wait, what's your Riot ID?
Person 1: kindasus420#6969

*fight starts*

by c0mp1ex_val January 16, 2022


Video game released in Summer 2020 with its name derived from the phrase “Valiant Effort”

Damn dude you showed some valorant there

by AndrewHChin February 3, 2022


A game for degenerates by the League of legend devs after being born a mistake from Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch

Hi my name's harold 🤓 wanna play that hit game valorant?

by some dude22 June 8, 2022