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berry vest

When a lady lies on the bed and 15+ men lay their testicles on her chest at the same time.

That berry vest looks great on Kate, I hope she wears one at the x-mas party.

by NertTheWerst November 9, 2017

Yellow vest

A newer derogatory term used for those stuck in low-end service roles due to socioeconomic status. These are people who are either trying to be more upwardly mobile socially or are stuck in this kind of abusive service work, where the pay is minimal and working conditions are awful. These roles can be semi drivers, warehouse workers, anyone at Amazon Fulfillment, and other transportation workers. These roles are deemed essential to the economy but are targeted to be replaced by AI and other mechanization and process controls currently in place.

All workers clocking into the Amazon warehouse are Yellow vest workers. They are wearing reflective vests and are all going to be subjected to much work at low wages during their shifts.

by MichAvePhil December 29, 2023

fur vest

The biggest, hairiest guy in the bar. Especially when he is hitting on you or your friends.

That fur vest looks great on Katie. I hope she takes it home.

by snoddydoesntknow January 26, 2016

fur vest

The biggest, hairiest guy in the bar. Especially when he is hitting on you or your friend.

"That fur vest looks great on Katie. I wonder if she'll take it home."

by snoddydoesntknow January 26, 2016

Gay Scout vest

A figurative vest for collecting badges from new queer experiences (first kiss, first flannel, first pride, etc).

I just bought my first flannel and got a septum piercing. I'm totally racking up badges for my Gay Scout vest.

by gayscoutleader October 12, 2022

walmart vest

a homoerotic wardrobe staple of Walmart employees. typically accessorized with pins and patches to give shoppers a false sense of approachability. sometimes the back is bedazzled to say “daddy’s little slutbag” in rhinestones, but not always.

person 1: “man, did you see ailee’s walmart vest?”
person 2: “yeah, it’s so y2k thrift store chic!”

by streborarella June 16, 2022

battle vest

(Noun, Related; see "Battle Jacket")

A denim vest, particularly one worn by fans of metal music (colloquially refered to as "metalheads").

The distinction between a battle vest and a regular denim vest is that a battle vest will have patches sewn on indicating which bands the metalhead enjoys listening to. A battle vest may also include studs and/or spikes, however this is not a requirement to be deemed a "battle vest".

Many metal fans will wear these as a sign of dedication to their favorite bands, and as a calling card to fellow metalheads in public spaces; most notably, concerts and festivals. However, you may occasionally find a metalhead in the wild wearing their vest for common daytime activities, such as grocery shopping, or mowing their lawn.

While the vest may make someone appear intimidating, it should be noted that most metalheads are very sociable and amicable people, who simply want to use extreme fashion as a form of self-expression. In addition, most metalheads appreciate other genres of music as well, so don't be surprised if you hear them talking about their favorite rappers or jazz artists too!

"Whoa, did you check out that dude's battle vest?"

"Yeah man, He's got Gojira and Opeth patches sewn on there. He has some damn good taste!"

by Ceaig69420 August 8, 2024