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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is a President of Russia from 2000 to 2008, then president from 2012 to the present time. In general, a good person (not counting the fact that in 2015 he concluded a truce with Ukraine only so that the latter would strengthen its army and fire with impunity at its “own” territory, populated mainly by Russians), raised the country from the @ssh0le of the 90s to the level of one of the leading powers (again). Leads an anti-Western and anti-LGBT policy.
Interesting facts: Putin is hated by the average Ukrainian and European;
if you write anything in support of Putin, they will call you a Russian or “Kremlin” agent and will accuse you personally for commiting bazillion crimes with a huge chance;

They like to accuse Putin of things he did NOT do;

Western media like to misinterpret Putin’s words;

A huge number of conspiracy theories have been created, among them Putin's dopplegangers and Putin’s palace.

P.S Yes, I personally am a puppet and agent of Putin, and accordings to statistics, i will more likely to get negative rating.

Person A: Who is Vladimir Putin? I wonder who is he. (asks innocently)
Person B: (stroke, then psychopatically screaming) AEAEOOEOAEOEOAOOAEO IT'S MURDERER, R@P1$T, N@ZI, @$$H0L3 DICTATOR, MOTHER....ER, TERRORIST, WAR CRIMINAL, FREAK, MENTALLY RETARDED, PSYCHOPATIC... (trying to find words)
Person A: *dies from heart attack how every person would seeing mentally unstable human being)*

by Absolutely random guy March 1, 2024

Vladimir Putin

A well known medical writer and author in the late 19th century. He became well known as the author of "The relatonship of insanity to masturbation," published during the late 19th century along varieties of articles concerning masturbation.

"Vladimir Putin contributed alot in the field of masturbation sciences."

by kitten fingers June 19, 2022

Vladimir Putin

Though hated within the West for his controversial acts, most recently in Ukraine, Putin would be the leader to build a nation of great poverty to a world superpower once more. Despite Russia's current stagnation, The days of the fallout of the USSR, under Boris Yeltsin, was significantly worse. Putin would fix, and destablize the economy all in one go.

Vladimir Putin was a man who saw himself become a hero, and lived long enough to see himself, a villain.

by teggers162 September 15, 2024

1👍 1👎

Vladimir Puttin

A dick being farted on

Guys gets eroused by getting his dick being farted on is a Vladimir Puttin

by Trich5461 June 26, 2021



Hey Vladiir!

by Vladimir120 February 4, 2017

Vladimir Tosic

Famously known as Vladdy Daddy to the NSB Class of '28, Vladimir Tosic is a pot-bellied man who found a love for writing essays. Surprisingly, he can tuck his shirt in despite his over-large breadbasket.

'Here comes Vladimir Tosic...'
'Vladdy Daddy you idiot!'

by HammyShoe July 10, 2024

A Vladimir

A Vladimir is wank/masturbation usually done before going to sleep.
In Spanish we say: "Vladimir, una paja y a dormir"

Person 1: "Yo man let's do another game its only 1 AM"
Person 2: " Sorry bro, I am tired, I think i'll do a Vladimir"
Person 1: "Ok bro np, I might actually do one too"

by PhallusSpatha April 14, 2021