Source Code

whas da dealio, mista potillio!?

What are you doing, Mr. Portillio

Yo, whas da dealio mista potillio!?

by Yo mom December 11, 2003

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

you hear wha I'm sayin'?

A black pause like ura, era, uh, to give emphasis to the simplistic jive sputtered in every other sentence.

Yee bluh whatever. You hear wha I'm sayin'? Da ho wa so naeesty. You hear what I'm sayin'? Whatever. Dat bitch. You hear wha I'm sayin'?

by r3dcut May 19, 2011

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A word that means you are extremely confused, your so confused that even "what" cannot describe your confusion.

Zubin:Hey guys!
Rob:Albert Einstein was a Theoretical Physicist of German origin. He is the one who developed a pillar of modern Physics, the Theory of Relativity. Be it his mass-energy equivalence formula or his law of photoelectric effect, the theories he postulated changed the history of science forever. His works are still studied in standard institutions of learning throughout the world.

by neo(tally hall brainrot) October 8, 2023




by Mr.GoldyPants October 23, 2016


Abbreviated version of β€œwhat” and sounds french.


by This Is Factual April 10, 2022


Saying the word "What" But in a shockingly way

Person 1 playing Call Of Duty:"*kills Person 2*"
Person 2 playing Call Of Duty:"WHA"

by SamirG569 July 16, 2024


meaning what just the word is not finished

you latterly stupid if you don't know know what it means

by GRACE BURTIN May 12, 2022