A pretty good sex position, it's when I flip you mom over. Commonly used by dudes with red hair and like cherries.
"Have you heard of "wow", it's my favorite sex position. It's when I flip you mom over."
Wow means to be surprised, but to wonder why and how?
Wow that's amazing!
A term that people say when they have seen a pillow.
"what is it?"
"Nah mate, thats a cushion"
"Damn I wow'd for no reason"
Acronym for “Words Of Wilson”.
A word said by an excited/surprised/amazed Wilson brother.
Luke Wilson watched Cameron Diaz flip her hair and said “Wow”.
Similar to the word "wow," but somewhat exaggerated; how someone who would normally thoroughly enjoy something would react after first taking some ecstasy.
Sandy: "Hey try this new Nutella filled English Muffin breakfast sandwich I just made, its delicious!"
Miguel (after tasting a bite): "WOWS."