basically the full greek alphabet
person 1: do you know greek?
person 2: alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega.
person 1: you are good at greek!
5👍 1👎
A mock draft for OMPL XI on Pokemon Showdown, where AllTerrainVen0moth, if he's managing a team, always takes Potatochan for a really low amount
AllTerrainVen0moth: .12
Scrappie: Dubwool Entendres has bought Potatochan for 12000!
Tea Guzzler: This OMPL XI mocc draft is crazy.
A curvy girl who is extremely hot. Very cute in everything she does. You will die from the cuteness of her. They are short and fun-size. Xi May's are also very determined do reach their goals, and wont let anything stand in her way.
If you ever find a Xi May then you're the luckiest person ever. Don't ever piss her off and remind yourself each day how lucky you are that you found her. Once you piss her off, its bye to being even friends
Doesn't go out with men often because of self-confidence and pride, and the knowing that no guy is good enough for her. Is a very matured thinking girl.
Very Seductive, they usually look mean from first glance but they love to have fun and laugh. They dislike gossiping preppy girls, although they will probably be associated with that group, they will most likely turn the tables.
They're a good species to chase, and love the game. They know the mind of men, so be prepared to have A woman know all your secrets, which makes it even harder to pin down.
They're very independent and although it may look like they don't get attention from guys, it's because they put off an aura that basically sends a signal to guys that she's not about to played and isn't easy, and that she is secretly very insecure on the inside that's usually when guys back off. Its like chasing a beautiful TIGER. Do it well go dont do it at all.
They're exquisite and very hard to find and, if you know one start chasing. Once they realize you are, you're in for a good time.
Guy: hey look at that chick. she's so cute.
Guy2: she's a xi may. becareful!
I wanna marry a XI MAY.
She was so sweet to me when I needed a friend...such a Xi May.
Means "eat shit" in Cantonese.
A: Hows your exam today brader
B: Sek xi already
The XI Nation is a world wide network of graffiti crews operating together as one. Every crew that joins the network adds the letters XI at the end of their crew name.
If the OPC crew joins the XI Nation they will be called the OPC XI.