When something is one thing and another thing at the same time. When you have money but don't have money, when you can do what you want but cannot
I might be feeling Ackermanism; I have strict parents, but they are not strict
The most badass human being in the world. Champion of jiu-jitsu, purveyor of hooters girls, soon to be leader of his own tribe. Abilities include: hunter sight, farmer strength, inhuman intelligence, and a sexy mustache
Oh my god it’s Noah Ackerman!!! He’s so hot and sexy!!!
ereh lover. she will literally do anything to save eren yeager
Mikasa Ackerman is a scarf girl.
A thicc baddie who would do anything for her daddy, her step bro, Eren Yeager. but is shipped with a horse, Jean
"Bro mikasa ackerman is a thicc baddie"