“Dawoud cheated on me again, men rlly ain’t shit”
Your ironic response when someone accuses you of being redneck or trashy
Kyle: you are white trash and dumb
You: no I’m ain’t! I went to high skool!
Your ironic response when someone accuses you of being redneck or trashy
Kyle: you are white trash and dumb
You: no I’m ain’t! I went to high skool!
Basically saying you aren’t about that thug shit ho and this saying was not originated in dirty Pittsburgh
“Nikerr You ain’t bout that life “ cause he really ain’t built for the streets
When yk u doin sum green as shi an don’t give af
Damnnnn Brooke yk u ain’t shi foh dat, got dat Nigga rollin
A phrase created by “Big34” in reference to the artist “AJ The Musician” and his personality while producing music.
“I’m with the Musician. He ain’t never trippin.”