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Apartment building

a hotel but the rooms keep someone hostage for longer

My friend lives in an apartment building

by Acroavio January 31, 2022

apartment in dallas

An acronym for A.I.D.S (Aquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome), a more discreet way of saying someone has HIV/AIDS. Goes hand in hand with “House In Virginia

Commonly used by the Black LGBTQ+ community.

“How’s Gary?”
“His House In Virginia has become an Apartment In Dallas
“Ooh, yikes

by Kinghopeful February 22, 2022

Apartments West 2

The best floor to ever exist in the history of humanity. A miracle happened in the fall of 2021 when by sheer coincidence, the best people on all of the campus were placed on the same floor. This floor was astonishingly good at absolutely everything. The only thing this floor is not good at is modesty because they are great at it!

Eric Hayes:"And the award for the greatest floor 2021-2022 goes to........ Apartments West 2! No surprises there!"

by abcdefff April 2, 2022

u tearin me apart lisa

a gret sentence from the movi: The Roum.

"U tearin me apart LIsa!"

by notna25 June 1, 2017


When you cannot tell someone apart, they are not tel-apartable.

Kerst said that they were so similar they were not tel-apartable.

by Race horse June 11, 2021

Apartness Retardation

The mutual feeling when you and your girlfriend (vice versa) haven't seen eachother in a while (2hr-days/weeks)so you're awkward/uncomfortable. Not yet back in the flow.


ex.1 Why are you being so weird? Are you feeling apartness retardation?


"Im so nervous to see him"
"Why? I thought you saw him two hours ago?"
"Yeah, but I just know Im gonna go apartness-retarted-mode and only talk about our lecturers..."

by mojavebabee May 21, 2024

RHIT West Apartments

The location where you sign up for everything , but show up for nothing.

"They were supposed to play IM's with us!" "Dude remember, we're RHIT West Apartments. We can barely get 7 people to at least show up."

by AiYuuko April 2, 2022