A person who is completely right in a situation, but acts toxic for no reason or stretches an argument longer to make themselves look smart.
“As James was verbally attacked by the argument hawk, he screamed at the man.”
“ Theo? That argument hawk?
Rhetorische Taktik in Diskussionen, bei der einer sachlichen Kritik mit dem Vorwurf der Voreingenommenheit oder mangelnden Sensibilität begegnet wird, um von der eigentlichen Argumentation abzulenken.
A: Die neue Magierin ist zu stark. Ihre Fähigkeiten verderben den Spielspaß.
B: Du hast wohl ein Problem mit starken weiblichen Charakteren. Das ist ziemlich sexistisch von dir!
A: Ein klassisches Strohjoka-Argument 🙄 Können wir zur Diskussion über die Spielbalance zurückkehren?
When two people you are friends with get into an argument with each other, and they both want you to believe their side of the story.
Hey, Dave and Kate broke up. Yeah, they both messaged me about it and I don’t know who to believe. I’m in a bit of an Argument Sandwich right now man.
Lewd/Argument is a extremely swaggy legend. He is also extremely cute and extra swag.
WOW! Lewd/Argument is such a swag demon!! I wish i was like him.
Oh hey, that kind of sounds like my thing! Is that really an Aristotle thing! Ha! Wow! I am, like, up there (intellectually) aren't I? Damn. A genius after his time!
Hym "The argument from motion? I didn't even know that was a thing! I should read some Aristotle..."
When someone you have strong feelings for does not understand how truly amazing they are!
You literally do NOT understand how amazing you are. An argumentative compliment is when someone tries to tell you that you are amazing when really they are the amazing one.
An argument in which a person with an absurdly high IQ taunts another person, whose IQ is slightly (but significantly) lower, until the latter person cracks and storms out in a fit of anger (usually takes all of 30 seconds)
Fiona: Man, did you see Jono storm out of here before?
Hannah: Yeah, don't worry about that, we just had a Jono Argument