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Non binary

A person who identify's as male or female, someone who is valid. An umbrella term.
It isn't fake, THEY aren't doing it for attention, it is not a mental illness, we are not "special snowflakes", our pronouns are they/them, WE ARE VALID!!!! If you still don't understand, google it or something,

person 1: "what are your pronouns?"
person 2: "they/them, I'm non binary"

by Short Non Binary December 9, 2019

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Universal Binary

An Application compiled to run in Intel and PowerPC environments on the Macintosh. A Universal Binary will run faster because it is native and does not have to be translated in real-time by Rosetta.

The Universal Binary of Microsoft Office runs natively on Macintoshes with Intel Microprocessors.

by /andrew August 5, 2006

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A person who are comfortable with their femininity masculinity but feel dysmorphia /discomfort when referred to as a woman/man therefore uses non-binary terms such as they/them.

-Do you use the terms she/her?

-No, I identify as a non-binary, therefore I use they/them.

by a gay mess December 5, 2019

203๐Ÿ‘ 1441๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who doesn't identify as male or female. This doesn't mean they change their femininity or masculinity, it just means they feel uncomfortable about their gender and don't feel like any other gender is their gender. They mostly use they/them pronouns, but some people go by pronouns they make. Their pride flag has yellow at the top, white underneath, purple below that, and black at the bottom.

Person 1: "Wow, she's hot!"
Person 2: "They're non-binary, dude."
Person 1: "HECK."

"I use she/shem pronouns."
"I use z/zem pronouns."
"I use they/them pronouns."

by psyeyey July 6, 2019

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binary rat

a rat which thinks only in binary and is used to deliver sky broadband from the exchange server to the home

oh binary rats

by burbyhurdy April 5, 2011

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A non-binary neko (catperson). A portmanteau of "non-binary", and an arguably stereotypical Japanese onomatopoeia for a cat's noise, "Nya" or "Nyan".

"Oh yeah, just so you know, they're a nyan-binary. They prefer They/Them pronouns."
"What's a nyan-binary? Is that like a non-binary neko?"
"Uhh, yeah. That's exactly what it is. Haven't you seen it on Urban Dictionary?"

by Xavien35449510 November 24, 2021

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Signed Binary

A language for mute people who can talk by signing with their hands.

That blind person is using signed binary!

( Basically, its sign language. )

by ThisisCharlotte June 9, 2010

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