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BP Fail

To fail so bad that it rewrites history, kills people, kills untold numbers of animals, and devastates regions. To fail more spectacularly than if you had tried really hard to fail in the first place. See Chernobyl.

That guy ran his truck off a bridge on I-95. Traffic was snarled all day but he didn't pull off a BP Fail.

by M249_taterlauncher May 29, 2010

289๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

bp sympathizer

U.S. Congressman Joe Barton (R-Texas) was the lead
Republican at the congressional hearings about the bp oil spill.

As his opening remarks with bp's Tony Hayward, he actually apologized to him for President Obama's "harsh treatment." Barton actually said Obama's insisting on bp setting up a $20 Billion victim compensation fund was a "shakedown."

The appropriate shock and awe followed. Even John Boehner was embarrassed and Barton eventually apologized for his own assisnine insensitive stupidity.

Some of Rep. Barton's Republican colleages were surprised to hear he was a bp sympathizer, but many of his corporate owned colleages agreed with him. However if you look at his $1.4 million in campaign contributions from big oil you can begin to understand.

by Charles_U_Farley June 19, 2010

956๐Ÿ‘ 322๐Ÿ‘Ž


an acronym for brad pitt- new orleans- 2009 which comes for a rumar in the levee news paper in lousiana. "brad pitt for mayor" is found on t-shirts, stickers, buttons, etc. in the new orleans area, usually in one of those high end- souviner shops on magazine street. not commonly found in the french quarter.

guy 1: dude, did u read on the levee that brad pitt is running for mayor?

guy 2: (turns around holding sign sayin bp-no-09) no duhh, every1 has 1 of those shirts!

by YAHHHTRIKYAHHH November 20, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pulling a BP

the act or function of royally fucking something up good.
synonymous with screwing the pooch, catastrophic error or epic fail or snafu. . . .

Hey what did you do last night?
Not much, GF saw those pix from that trip to Vegas, wife saw the pix of the GF and boss found my porn stash on the company computer. . .

Oh, so you pretty much spent the entire day pulling a BP . . .

Yeah - pretty much

by Max Rule June 17, 2010


An anal sex maneuver involving penetration until the receiver bleeds and defecates, resembling an oil spill. The receiver is left unconscious to spew "oil" for an indefinite amount of time.

Nah, I heard she was bp'd last Monday. She's probably still expelling oil.

by BCFounder July 27, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

BP Boycott

A weak movement trying to make a statement about the bad practices at BP (a.k.a. British Petroleum)

Boycotting BP to protest their oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is a lot more logical than the fuckwitted "boycott France movement of 2001-2006. France was right and made the responsible choice to not participate in George w. Bush's Iraq War.

The Bp Boycott movement, unfortunately, is not strong enough to impact BP's profits.

by Charles_U_Farley August 11, 2010

780๐Ÿ‘ 354๐Ÿ‘Ž


Booty patrol day

shes thick its definitely BP DAY

by johnyboi23 September 11, 2018