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ben conrad

A Ben Conrad is typically a male that is blonde. His mother is probably a teacher, more specifically a math teacher. Ben Conrad is very very gay

ben conrad has a massive horn

by Bjorn_Booferwater April 24, 2023

Conrad Pollock

someone who is incredibly addicted to video games, especially War Thunder
he has withdrawal symptoms if he goes one day without playing it

"conrad pollock" you say? well, he probably is filipino, plays war thunder, gets no bitches and has little to none rights

by z1gmaster32 May 25, 2023

conrad’s penis

Big as dick. Anytime a girl sees him drop his pants they drop on it. But be careful I could get hurt for how big it is ;). Personally it is amazing it’s like a BBC but white

Omgggg he has a Conrad’s penis! YUMMY!

by Fjcncmckgigkbkvogoglblgogo July 31, 2019


the definition of mixed signals

adison: “omg he says he wants to chose this girl over me but then comes running back and THEN leaves me on read
jack: “wow that’s such a conrad thing to do”

by urdaddotcom January 21, 2022


When you’re just about to go to bed and you wanna spend time with somebody. So you kinda miss them, but you’ve never met them so you can’t miss them.

I I think I’m doing a Conrad tonight

by Secret person 007 February 10, 2022


the most amazing character in tsitp.

j: what’s up with conrad
b: (mesmerized)

by _wtfshawtyy November 23, 2022


He’s a fat ugly cow who gets raped and railed by huge hordes of big black men like it’s plants vs zombies 2 dark ages, and whenever he sees a big perky black male he will latch onto their penis like a baby cow suckling on its mothers teet for sustenance, once finished with that, he has a tendency to wonder into his natural habitat (recycling plant) and once he’s in there he will find the most electric generating car battery possible and connect said battery to his huge Peperoni nipples and then turn it on and light himself up like it’s the 4th of July in 1989.

Another fun fact about this raging homosexual is that he has been known to conspire with sexual predators like Nathan fellows and adolf Hitler in his prime. The little goblin child is also an informant for the schools gestapo agency where he reports any none nazi behavior straight to his big perky sugar daddy mr khan.

The little creature who resembles the rake from popular creepy pastas is about 4,3 in height but also 4,3 in width because he does not stop eating huge amounts of big black penis. This diet is required to keep his natural physique of “huge ball of dough so he can Roll around like a fucking boulder”

“Oh it’s Conrad over there, I hope he doesn’t connect his and my nipples to a Tesla model X car battery and shock me so hard I get sent back to day 1 of the Bronze Age because I wouldn’t really appreciate that in all fairness.

by Conrad hater September 28, 2023