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foot cramps

When ur foot feels like it's getting sat on by a fat fuck then ran over by a semi truck then on top of thoose things happening someone is biteing on UR toes

Fuck bro I was trying to hit elli up but she said she can't go because Her foot cramps are acting up.. Fuck

by Nelly g March 20, 2015

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Throat Cramp

When you start to yawn when you're incredibly exhausted but your throat opens too wide and you start to feel like you're choking.

โ€œI just yawned and almost caught a throat cramp.โ€

by thesilentdeadlychokeronair June 21, 2023

cramp camper

A girl, who is on per period, spending a lot of time sitting on the toilet to relieve the pain of cramps.

Guy: She's been in there for a long time. What's taking so long?
Girl: Oh, she's just being a cramp camper.

by FredasaurasRex January 26, 2014

COD cramp

COD cramp is the result of playin COD for so long your hands seize up. and you cant open your hands.
The time it takes to clear varies on the players stamina and length of time spent playing.

dude can you undo my flies i need a piss but i cant let go of the controller

haha noway dude looks like you have COD cramp

by davendave February 5, 2010

Whackers Cramp

A cramp located in the base of you palm that is adjacent to your thumb. It is often associated with whacking it too frequently or from hand writing.

Dude: Dude, I am suffering with chronic whackers cramp!
Person: Why?
Dude: I have been whacking my dong lots, either that or I have been writing many essay for my finals
Person: Is this whacker cramp curable?

by GirlWanker May 8, 2010

Flavor Cramps

the sensation you get when you eat something so sour/sweet that there is a tightening in the back of your jaw

The cherry flavoring in this drink is so strong that it's giving me flavor cramps.

by Scorchy Likes Tapioca March 22, 2018

Fart cramps

Cramps that you get when you've been holding a fart in for too long and you just can't get anywhere safe to let it go.

*whispers to friend*

Jeff: dude those burritos really got to me and now I've got fart cramps...
Justin: just hold it in a little more, you can't fart in front of my gran.

by Graam Pri4 July 26, 2016