A guy with balls the size of 2 Jupiters who is known to bully the motherfucking shit out of PNGtubers, specifically JellyBean (some person) and FrostFox (Furry). If you subscribe to V1nce, you are valid, if not.. go do it now or go do a barrel roll off the Empire State Building so we can spit on your corpse.
V1nce cuh is the best YouTuber, Hands Down God Dammit. I SAID HANDS DOWN!!
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V1nce = The Ultimate Man, the Chad to out Chad all Chads, the Alpha Male of the Alpha Males. If a woman were to look in his direction she would immediately orgasm. His jawline is a perfect 116 degrees. The absolute Chad to end all absolute Chads. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Oh you're in a happy relationship with your girlfriend/wife? This man will kidnap her and give her the most severe case of stockholm syndrome that has ever been seen to man. Next to this superior human you will look like the weakest soy boy faggot in history. TL;DR: This man is an absolute Chad x100000.
Have you seen V1nce cuh best man ever
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A phrase one uses when one has nothing else to comment, or an exclamation.
Boy: So i was hanging out with a couple of my friends and we had a party etc.
Boy 2.: Shoot Cuh.
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A Beautiful Man Who gets all the girls and is a chad in society, probably the Jesus of bitches..
I love n3mo cuh, he's so nice, caring and handsome..
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Savage Chad that has over 6900000000000^420.34 IQ and bullies mush-brained pngtubers with -6942034 braincells.
Sub to V1nce Cuh or you are a badussy ahh bish.
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a saying after somebody says a wackass opinion
person 1:im better at 2k
person 2:what the hell im sleep cuh
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Something that people started saying after Tiktok creator "Montaine" made a rap song about the hate he's been getting. He said "cause they bored" in an odd way and now every comment on his newer tiktok videos are related to that song.
Person 1: "Do you know that cuh dey boad guy???"
Person 2: "Montaine?? Yeah! He's an odd guy."