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Another way of saying "rad"

"She's a pretty dank chick"

by sao fan June 12, 2007

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loaded with, or coverded in wicked tight steez

"yo man that trick was dank!"

by dankrider May 7, 2007

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Dank is a description for a place where you want the lights kept low mainly so you don't see the dirt or the other people there. Dank in a bar is good

"I need a drink, where is there a bar with some Dank around here?"

"Yeah, that dude's apartment had some serious dank to it"

by quelar March 17, 2006

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A racial slur that is offensive to every nationality and racial group

"that bitch was so dank that she probably glowed in the dark"
"man, i don't want to go to that part of the city, thats where all of the danks live"
"dude, you don't just go around saying 'dank' like that! that kind of language could get you shanked!"

by qwertyCommander January 31, 2014

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A girl who like's hard alcohol, dank weed, and big dick. She doesn't take shit from anyone and you will be laughing all the time when around her, she's a great friend unless you piss her off.

Thats some dank weed.

by Alex 907 October 1, 2014

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a word similar to 'sweet, shibby, cool, hot, amazing, etc etc...'
often used with the word 'mad' in front of it.

person: "yeah, i just got new aviators."
friend: "oh cool, i always wanted a pair."
person: "yeah, avs are mad DANK."

person: "i went to the mall yesterday."
friend: "oh, dank. whatd you get?"

by codename_lily May 26, 2008

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coolest group of people that you can be apart of. everyone is jealous of this group and they wish they could be in it

"dayum, i want to be in the dank"

by poopinmynoseee October 17, 2009

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