noun, verb The extreme anger felt by some elevator riders when another rider chooses to take the elevator up one floor as opposed to taking the stairs. People that are habitually late or dislike fat people are more likely to experience elevator rage. Elevator rage rarely escalates to violence, but is the cause of much eye-rolling, loud sighing, and pointed watch checking.
Kat can no longer control her elevator rage, she even gets pissed when the guy on crutches rides the elvator from 13 to 14. Joe was elevatoring raging the whole way up to our sales appointment.
When that nigga Conner thinks he’s too cool for everyone else.
“Get off your elevated steed Conner, nobody gives a rat’s dick hole about your Gucci fanny pack.”
When someone enters an elevator expecting the person closest to the panel of buttons to press one for them.
Susan walked into the elevator calling out her floor number with Elevation Expectation.
When you fart in an elevator before you exit, leaving it for the next unsuspecting person.
Jaime left An Elevator Suprise for his boss Jim, when he was heading down to the break room.
When a fuckboy sends you a video of him wanking and his knob is bigger than his skinny Dick
Zach has an elevator knob
dull uninteresting music of the type heard in elevators
I wish they would play something besides this boring elevator music.
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An elevator game commonly played in not so busy elevators with a group of friends, created by a shelter island school student(not aloud to say names). The way you play this game is, you get into an elevator with at least one friend. You hit the top floor button and then guess what floor it will land on before you reach the top or bottom depending on the way you're going when you play. If you guess correctly you win, and thats a point, or something. idk. Remember though before a new round starts you must say "1, 2, 3, ELEVATOR BINGO"
"This museum is boring"
"Let's play elevator bingo!"
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