Source Code

go commit air not entering lung area

Another way of saying kys

lj: u r an idiot im the best!!1!
Tq: go commit air not entering lung area you retarded 3 year old

by How1dare1you September 9, 2018

escf1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9f10f11f12deletehomeendpguppgdn`1234567890-=backspacelock÷×-tabqwertyuiop[]\789+capslockasdfghjkl;'enter456+shiftzxcvbnm,./shiftup123enterctrlwinalt altfnctrlleftdownright0.enter

when you type all keys on an aula f99 keyboard

idek know im supposed to define this escf1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9f10f11f12deletehomeendpguppgdn`1234567890-=backspacelock÷×-tabqwertyuiop\789+capslockasdfghjkl;'enter456+shiftzxcvbnm,./shiftup123enterctrlwinalt altfnctrlleftdownright0.enter

by MnKo2334 August 20, 2024

entering search

Entering a query into a search engine.

Try entering search.

by Hercolena Oliver August 29, 2008

Enter Management

A manager that defines ones self by using emails,constant tendering of the keyboard and delegation of of things they have meant to have done themselves.A job is finished when they either hit the enter key,or sent an email...and never actually give a second thought to those receiving the email the chaos they have just created,let alone know what their subordinates are really doing.Quite often they appear that their arse is welded to the chair,and are unable to get off said chair to go find out for themselves....even though they authourise the said item.

" I have sent them an email informing them of the problem"...but never bothers to chase up if the problem has been fixed.The job is deemed complete by hitting enter or " Send" hence the term " Enter Management"

by phluck September 2, 2011

downpour-period-implied permission to enter

Da universal understanding dat you may hurriedly "scramble in and close da door" of a dwelling or vehicle during a sudden heavy rain if said enclosure's owner initially observes your headlong dash towards him, and thus he will not be started by your high-speed entry.

A downpour-period-implied permission to enter is something like an implied door-knock, since in both instances, you aren't expected to wait outside for someone to answer da door. Now of course, once you do get in, da respectful procedure is to stop just inside da door and wheezingly catch yer breath, then make some jokingly-indignant remark like, "Okay --- who ordered da monsoon?!" Dat puts everyone inside da room at ease, and then --- unless you'd merely entered to avoid getting soaked, in which case da polite and least-interrupting action might be to just stand by da door till da rain eases up --- you can state what you'd wanted.

by QuacksO August 4, 2024


Gets mad ass and fucks with the big dawgs

Hello enter! You are such original gangster!

by Epiccooldude1990 August 16, 2023


what you pressed just now

You pressed enter and came here…

by random_person70 November 13, 2023