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probably the most versatile Mobile Task Force class in SCP: Roleplay, you have a powerful rifle, the ability to recontain faster and a cool looking orange vest. they are designated "Nine Tailed Fox"

D-boi: I just breached SCP-096 time to get away

Epsilon-11 operator: hello there
D-Boi: shit

by Skyline_GT-R_R34 October 19, 2022

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Sigma Phi Epsilon also commonly refered to as "Sig Ep" is a fraternity founded in 1901 whose mission statement is "building brotherly love". While this *might* have been true at some point, the men of Sig Ep are recognized as jackasses nation wide whose members brag about having 3.0 GPA's while primarily being made up of marketing and communication majors. Their primary target for pledges are tinder menaces, racists, men who don't understand the concept of reciprication or those with 3.4 inches marked on their rulers

If a Sig Ep ever claims their fraternity isn't racist just remind them of the 2014 UoMiss incident or google Texas Tech Sigma Phi Epsilon 2025 expulsion

by Ihaveasmallgock October 6, 2023

epsilon beta 0 rizz

every person with no rizz that thinks sigmas and rizzlers suck!! 🖕🗿🍷

rizzler sigma emperor: hey! what are you doing?

epsilon: back off bitchass sigma

rizzler sigma emperor: shut yo bitchass up you epsilon beta 0 rizz person!1!!1!1 🗿🍷

epsilon: idc if my rizz is bad af i will never stop trying!

rizzler sigma: might as well give on on this epsilon beta 0 rizz…

by iamnothere11 March 18, 2024