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Er Beti

Er Beti (also known as Betis or Real Betis Balonpié) is a team in La Liga Santander (or Spanish soccer league) which is fucking perfect. It is the best team in the world. It is like Lord Shaggy but in football. It just uses a 0.00000001% of its power, and teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid beat er Beti because they use a 0.00000004% of er Beti’s full power.

In English - x1 : Yo, did you see er beti’s game last night? They beat Barcelona 12-0! They didn’t even seem to be trying!
x2: They’re just the best.

In Spanish - x1 : Eh illo, viste el partido der Beti de anoche cabrón? Le metieron 12 a los independentistas (es humor) ! Un gol más y el Mesi se va del campo. No parecían ni intentar ganar.
x2 : Que te crees chaval. Son los mejores.

by James-boy/j January 11, 2021

W er

w er means: and a dick

When a lebanese person is amazed, probably positively or negatively, he uses this phrase.
For example: w er that movie is lit
Or: w er why did u push me like that dumbass!

by RelaxCuzIneedSomeWaxForTheJax May 16, 2017

37👍 11👎

Er, uh

The catchphrase of the sexiest Clone High character, JFK.

Fowa suppah, I, er, uh, want a pawty plattah!
(Translation for virgins; For supper, I, er, uh, want a party platter!)

by dieStri September 15, 2020

7👍 1👎

ere bey

Phrase: Common to Plymouth, "ere bey" is frequently used as a greeting among those of a burberry inclination.

"Ere bey" can occasionally be difficult to understand as it sometimes elongated to last a good 20 seconds or so, with the "ere" reaching a pitch nearby dolphins in Plymouth Sound will cringe at.

The term is a form of chav janner, the language of Plymothian youths who think that text talk is an acceptable thing to use in an English exam.

Chav: "Eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee bbeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy..."
You: "You what...?"

Chav 1: "Ere bey!"
Chav 2: "Ere, you goin' up One Stop 'n' get some White Ligh'nin'?"
Chav 1: "Nah bey, we's goin' up Oceana, in't."

by Chelbo May 13, 2008

12👍 3👎


see defintion of 'whore' this is a slightly more sly way to call some one a 'whore', pronounced 'whoo - wer'.

Bill's neighbor: Did you hear about Bill and Sally?
Bill's Neighbor's neighbor: No what happened?
Bill's neighbor: Sally cheated on him...
Bill's Neighbor's neighbor: Wow, what a hoo-er!

by Melysa November 10, 2006

21👍 7👎


A Gundam Referance
A philosophical belief that Earth is sacred and mankind must leave it and live in space. This philosophical theroy is part of a larger theroy known as Contolism.
The philosophy was developed by philosopher turned policitican Zeon Zum Deikun.

Er-ism would have a long standing effect on the Earth-Sphere.

by ????^_^???? June 22, 2007

58👍 27👎


Silly-looking, something materialistic that is out of date.

Look at that Pinto. It looks so er-ee!

by martin mathern January 23, 2004

11👍 2👎