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My Hat Fell Off

When you see something very attractive; when you see something shocking

*Cute person walks by*
Me: Oh my gosh, my hat fell off!

by rillill November 2, 2018

blue fell out cult

'The Blue Fell Out Cult' is thought to be a nickname for the very awesome fobr boards.

Person one: Woah, Fiona joined and blue fell out cult!!1
person two: wow she is the roffle waffle of the party!

by Sophay February 5, 2008

He Tripped and I Fell

A really terrible excuse that you give to someone when they catch you having sex. Usually involves being caught cheating by a boyfriend/girlfriend.

May involve phrases such as "It wasn't me", " It just happened", and "How did that get there?"

Janet: Brad! What are you doing!?

Brad: (balls deep in Janet's attractive friend Roxy) Nothing! It was an accident!

Janet: That is the worst "he tripped and I fell" that I have ever heard! We're over!

by JJBQ May 3, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

butt plug fell out

Used when something very shocking or unfortunate happens to you.

Jeff's butt plug just fell out.

by getmoney111 January 8, 2005

66๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fell off my bike

Too be so inebriated in minimal party time that when you fall over you say the most random phrase that comes to mind.

"KT what's wrong? Are you Okay?"
"I fell off my bike"

by ho-house!!!!! August 30, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

My dick fell off

A really sincere way to say sorry or "my bad"

"You cheated on me!"

"Sorry, my dick fell off"

by MexicanMandingo October 16, 2016

81๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

One clean fell swoop

When 5 or more employees of the same company are being fired simultaneously on Zoom.

At better.com the CEO recently had no time to call his employees into his office . He chose to perform the one clean fell swoop treatment on 900 employees.

by Sexydimma December 25, 2021