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*Fucktard (n) - the combination of being a fuck-up, one who cannot seem to do anything right, or a fucker, a nuisance to society, and an individual who appears to have the mental capacity of a person who is mentally retarded

His incessant jackassory made me wanna juke the hell out of him for being such a queer little fucktard.

by Dlizzle September 6, 2006

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A fucker who is also a retard

Fucker + Retard = Fucktard

by Alden Ward July 26, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun: A name reserved for someone who is so annoying and stupid that no word can accurately describe them, and all that comes to mind is a "fucking retard." Hence, you have the fucktard.

Adjective: A word to describe a person who is just a fucking retard. Not to be confused with people who are actually mentally retarded; Fucktards are merely socially retarded.

1. "So Jillian just told me that she has a huge crush on Nate, and that she plans on stealing him from his ugly-ass girlfriend. Everyone at school knows that Nate and I are dating...Jillian is such a fucktard!"

2. "Look, that fucktard woman is wearing crocks."

by NebsSupernova February 3, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fucktard is the shortening of Fucking Retard.

1. "DJ IBN is a fucktard".

2. "You are a fucktard Abs Saa Raodshows ".

by Prince1989 November 22, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Person who believes that String Theory states that neutrons have charge.

Person who believe that reading Wikipedia makes you a genius in everything

Person who believes that geologist fathers means that cells undergo combustion.

"According to String Theory, neutrons have charge!"
"...Unless they're neutral...fucktard.."

by Omega Jew December 2, 2007

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A teamkiller in an online game, specifically halo.

"you killed church, you teamkilling fucktard!"
- Red vs Blue

by t3kn0 April 7, 2004

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1. A combination of the words "fuck" and "retard". Used to describe someone who is so fucking retarded that there was no word to describe their stupidity. Thus the birth of "fucktard"

2. One who kills teammates, coworkers, friends, allies, buddies, or comrades. Usually happens through an accidentally through an act of supreme stupidity.

Tucker: You killed Church you team killing fucktard!

by Kael W April 30, 2010

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