The drama that's included in a circle of friends.
I ain't gonna let Tiffany drag me into the circle of fuk again!
when you really fucking mean god dam no me and janiyah made dat shit
you like me bitch fuk ass nooo stanky bitch
Someone who constantly continues to bug you to have sex with them after you have already told them your not interested! Someone that just won't take a hint and keeps bugging you to have sex with them to the point to where it's annoying and pathetic and obnoxious
I finally had to tell that dude Martin that he isn't welcome to come over to my house anymore because even though I told him I am not
interested in having sex with him he keeps bugging me too ! He is one of those dudes- a obnoxious fuk-a-boo!
“i don’t give a fuck” in a spicy angry way.
“I will tell her to cuh ion gih a fuk.”