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Good Charlotte

A pop-punk band.

Current members:
Joel Madden
Billy Martin
Paul Thomas
Benji Madden
Dean Butterworth

They are an amazing band, and truly have changed my life. I will admit that I found them because of MTV - only because I was flipping through channels; I was nine years old at the time, and didn't even know what MTV was - so the first CD of theirs that I bought was The Young and the Hopeless, but that does not make me any less of a fan than the people who have loved them from the beginning.

And yes, I may only be thirteen, but that doesn't mean that I go around message boards proclaiming that "GC roxxorz!!11!" or whatever the hell most "teeny boppers" say.

Good Charlotte is a damned good band. Please stop bashing them.

Person One: Holy crow! You like Good Charlotte? I love your GC shirt.

Person Two: Yeah, I've been a fan for a long time now!

by Wolbachia June 14, 2007

25👍 87👎

good charlotte

a band that makes good music. But became to overplayed and annoying after a year.

There leadsinger appears to be emo, the whole bad is. But that was all blown for them after Joel, started to go out with the bitter talentless hilary duff of pop.

Reporter: Joel is now apparently dating hilary duff. Who's next, Joel?
Joel: I am choosing over britney spears or jojo.

by asfsa August 30, 2005

32👍 121👎

Good Charlotte

a band that gets a lot of unecessary hate because people think they're "posers".

seriously, if you have to time to be hating on a band that will never acknowledge you, go use it on something that'll make the world a better place or something remotely productive

random: good charlotte isn't even punk!!!1!1!1!!! they're posers!!!1!!11!!!

someone who likes gc: and not everyone is entitled to your opinion are they?

by i cant rap January 15, 2018

1👍 1👎

Good Charlotte

The best band of all time and anyone who knocks it is just jealous because they are living their dream and all u will ever amount to is some stupid garage band. So stop knocking it MOTHER FUCKERS!

Good Charlotte rulz my life!

by Nicole Mendosa February 24, 2007

20👍 86👎

Good Charlotte

When good Charlotte started they had one honest purpose, to get out of that horrid Maryland house and do so in the honor of their idols before them.
They started very small playing local gigs, but by 2000 the first CD was out and making impressions on poppunk lovers.
The sound Good Charlotte created on the Self Title album was a loud fun crazy band making music simply for the fans & the love they shared of music.
the songs were captivating and everyone who knew them sang them everywhere they were, these were the first, the real, the true fans.
Everyone remembers those first words on the CD,
“yea this song is dedicated to every kid who ever got picked last in gym class”
they were hope for kids everywhere.
Two years later and with a new drummer, it was time for the second CD, “Young and Hopeless”
a title sarcastically based on a soap opera show as just another fuck you to the world that had given them such a hard time.
By CD two Good charlotte had their name out there, they were still reveling in being discovered by many more fans when they started mixing things up by appearing on MTV.
Appearing on MTV however did them more bad then they would ever know, one performance on MTV and they were hooked.
The teenies soon saw this duo and were instantly sure this was the next banwagon to jump on.
Soon the world was overtaken by girls screaming “will you marry me joel” from everywhere proving the new breed of fans was already starting.
CD two was a very different sound than CD one, with much deeper songs but with the same “its okay to be uncool” vibe that everyone loved about them.
However by CD three Good Charlotte had reached a level of disappointment in real fans.
CD three was majorly based around lead singer Joel Madden’s inner battle with self rage and his “incessant anger towards the world”
At this point those kids whom the first CD were dedicated to, were all fading away fast.
Soon enough Joel made a further mistake by deciding to keep secret then announce his illegal relationship with one of teenies fakest gods, Hilary Duff
At this point all seems lost for Good Charlotte
This band is still popular despite the loss of most real or true fans, however they still have fans to play for so they still play.

Good Charlotte is not the band they started as, nor the band that the original fans looked up to as those who showed us it was okay not be the stereotypical teenager in high school
Then shoved it back down fans throats by becoming the stereotypical pop punk band who’s egos soon block the whole reason they started the band
It is a bit ironic they would write a song, Lifestyles of the Rich and famous dissing everything they have become.

At one point in everyone’s life they liked/loved/heard/listened to/admired/thought well of the band Good Charlotte
Though the band may make you throw up in your mouth a little now
You must be truthful in admitting
they made their mark, I mean look we are talking about them now.

teenie girl 1: LIKE OMGEE im gonna marry joel from Good Charlotte and you can be my maid of honor!
::teenie fight::

by yeayeayea. March 11, 2006

22👍 106👎

Good Charlotte

Good Charlotte is:

Joel Madden(vocals)
Benji Madden(guitar/vocals)
Paul Thomas(bass)
Billy Martin(guitar)
Chris Wilson(drums)

Identical twins Benji(guitarist/singer) and Joel(lead singer) Madden were born March 11th, 1979. The two grew up with their mother, father, older brother Josh, and younger sister Sarah. The twins (who are Christian) grew up in a strict house hold. Their brother had introduced them to rock music, but in the beginning, their mother was very strict about 'punk' music and had restricted her children to Christian music. Once, after finding a poster of a punk band on their bedroom wall, Benji and Joel's mom quicky tore it down. But that didn't stop them... At the age of 16, their father walked out on Christmas eve, leaving the family deep in financial problems and homeless for a while. The family struggled with money and housing for quite a while. Their anger against their father inspired and encouraged the twins to start writing songs and making music. Benji learned guitar, and Joel went into vocals. After graduating from highschool, their mother presented two plane tickets to California to them as gifts. The two then set off to pursue their goals. Pretty soon, the twins were getting recognized and got friends Paul Thomas(bassist) and Billy Martin(guitarist) to join in. Once the band was complete, the foursome took the name 'Good Charlotte' from a children's book. Soon after, Good Charlotte was signed and they recorded the epic and last year recorded their second cd; the young and the hopeless. They have written songs about suicide('hold on'), being yourself and not giving a shit about what others say('the anthem'), relationships('boys and girls', 'my bloody valentine', and 'say anything'), and even one about Benji's dog (cashdogg) "wondering". They've created these songs with so much talent while adding a little humor into them and their music videos.

Good Charlotte currently have 3 albums.

If you didn't buy the cd 'The Young and The Hopeless', here's the letter that Benji wrote inside:

"so it's 2 am july 27 2002, and we're driving thru the middle of nowhere on our way to a show in chicago. i haven't showered in a week, i'm running on no sleep, i miss cashdogg and some kid at the show today asked me "why i even call myself punk". these may sound like complaints but actually i'm really happy. i am listening to this record, yea i'll admit it I listen to our records and i am thinking how crazy all this is. 3 years ago i was stockin shelves at target living on ramen noodles and crashing at Billy's house. now i'm on tour. 4 kids from nowhere. we made another record and i feel just as excited as i did the first time. i say this all the time, but i mean it, if this all stopped yesterday i would still feel like the luckiest guy alive. i remember going into my room after school writing letters to record labels saying "you can sign us now for cheaper" and sending out demos. i laugh about it now but back then i was so serious. you know we dreamed about this all day every day and i gotta say it feels just like we thought it would. our goals may have changed. i'll admit, it's not about being famous or making millions of dollars anymore. yeah, i used to day dream about that, being broke gets old quick, but now i have sorta seen how it all works and i don't want to be the biggest band in the world i want to make music with paul and billy and joel. that's all. i want to tour. i want to be good to my friends. i want to take care of my family. i want to meet kids at shows. that's real to me. i see some bands and i get frustrated for them. it's easy to get lost in the whirlwind of all of this but i realize we all have to learn on our own, we are still learning. we have made our share of mistakes. we have done some cheesy stuff. but it's good to look back and laugh at how young we were. i see a lot of bands worrying about credibility and all of that and i guess i have realized it only comes with time if we are still here in ten years maybe we will be credible. til then we just gotta do what we want to do, make music. tour. provide for our families. you know i used to fist fight every guy i came across that told me i wasn't punk. lars asked me one night "are you gonna fight the world?" he was right, i was pretty stupid. it made me realize we are what we are and no one can change that. i guess we have done a lot of growing up since the last record. we started this when we were 16. its the only thing i ever had. its probably the only thing i ever will have.. i just feel lucky. we are four kids in a rock band from waldorf. we're no better than any other band out there and we know it. so thanx for getting our record and being part of this. thanx for giving us a chance to do what we love. thanx for making this real.
see ya at the show
good charlotte
the young and the hopeless"

by Riot Girl May 14, 2005

17👍 80👎

Good charlotte

This band kicks fucking ass so fuck you and your bitch ass'

I am going to Good Charlottes concert tonight.

by ZUNER April 4, 2008

12👍 79👎