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A person who is content to throw away the idea of fitting to society's norms (such as money orientation, rigorous maintenance of appearance, suppression of emotion) in order to find balance and discover who they are and how to make themselves happy. They try doing this without treading on others' happiness.

True hippies also do not judge others that are not like them, as they know that everyone has their place in the world. Their place is to try and balance competition, war, and the mass consumption of the earth's resources. They only preach this due to the belief that there aren't enough like minded people to achieve that balance needed to prevent humanity from self-destruction due to world wars, and a lack of earth's sustenance.

Spreading peace and love ideology: Originates from a self-interested philosophy of gratification, as does nearly everything we do. However, as we become adults and develop relationships and emotions for people in our lives, the simple, self centered theory complicates greatly.

Most people want to be happy in life and find that people being happy around them helps to achieve this (sociopaths aside) so hippies tend to promote this feeling of well being. Making others happy around us is in all of our best interests.

Communal Living: Much to do with the peace and love philosophy, we are surrounding ourselves with happy, like minded individuals.

As most of the population are naturally social creatures and work together to achieve things that would be very difficult to do as individuals, we the human race have been survivors throughout history (while we slowly kill the rest of the world in order to survive and thrive). Communes are a natural response to the human desire to be and work together, as well as to conserve resources.

"Technologically impaired, dirty, broke": As addressed in the commune section, we are, at this point not even slowly killing the rest of the world so that we can survive as a species. This is a well backed scientific conclusion.

The minimalist philosophy suggests that we use only what we need for our survival and happiness, and against common believe, we don't need toys and closets of clothing and brand new cars , etc., to be happy. We feel otherwise because we are afraid of judgement.
Not to say this is a bad thing, this is also natural, it aids in competitiveness which is a motivating drive that has been essential in our survival.

Tie-dye: Most common three users I have crossed paths with are 1. People who use it to express who they are and what they believe and try to promote this, or at least warn others they come in contact with beforehand, as it is a pretty common symbol of the hippie religion :).
2. People who want you to think they are a hippie without actually believing, or acting upon the beliefs.
3. People who don't know or care exactly what the tie dye flag represents, but utilize it for the colors. These users often are genetically void of fashion sense.

Holistic healing: As non-mainstreamers are very aware, alternative views can go overlooked, and are often ridiculed. Supporting probiotics and alkaline diets, etc., that are also overlooked and ridiculed is second nature-having first hand experience with mass rejection, you fucking stand up for your own.

Also, many people ridicule these theories because they are not backed by science, but they aren't disproved. Anyway, this is a whole different fucking essay. Medical companies are not evil for the most part, but they can only do so much, all of which requires funding. Investors don't invest in things like preventative medicine and natural healing, as there is little to no return. So the likelihood of concluding these theories anytime soon is very low.

Hazes and trips: Most commonly one of the following: As wine, cheese and baguettes are to the french, hallucinogens and joints are to hippies. This is simply cultural practice, used for enjoyment and unity.

As peyote was to the native americans, hallucinogens and joints are to hippies. They are used to enhance personal spirituality, achieve an enlightened state, induce revelations of the spiritual state of the world, connections between anything and everything.

Often, one person will have different experiences and different purposes depending. Sometimes, these substances are like (or combined with) tv for the average american. Used to distract from the pain of boredom, isolation, regret, general dissatisfaction with life. Used to make friends more easily. Hippies are cheerful, but they have bad times just like everyone else.

Hypocritical: Everyone is this way about some things at some point, usually often. Most of us try not to be, but this is inevitable as we are inconsistent by nature, causing us to say and do things we don't believe in, change our minds, misunderstand what we are saying or doing, or some days just run out of energy and not give a shit. Happens to the best of us, and the ability to change and adjust daily not only causes us to be hypocrites sometimes, but also enables us to survive-deal with our surroundings and experiences, grow as people, advance our thought processes. It is an ugly and beautiful thing, much like your parents having sex to make you.

hippie-you can only love and respect anything or anyone as much as you have love and respect for yourself.

by analyzer bunny April 23, 2008

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they drive vws and live in oregon

Look at that hippy driving his vw bus and living in Oregon!

by James CB February 16, 2006

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A unique breed of dirty, smelly people who don't believe in bathing. They also believe everything is wrong, but they offer no solutions. Due to their vegan diet their cerebral cortex is much weaker and consequently more inferior than that of the normal human being's.

"I hate damn dirty hippies"

by bob balloon April 11, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


the group of long haired stoners who everyone rips on...

...while in reality everyone really wants to live in the 60's and be a hippie

fuckin a...people care so much nowadays why cant we all just burn some cells and grow our hair out

by bill hinrichsen May 1, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hippies were invented in the 1960s, but nowadays they are usually just another example of a fashion victim. They go on about being different all the time, so it's surprising that they all have exactly the same tastes and ideas.

1) Hoopy socks, especially girl hippies, and brightly coloured clothes in general.
2) They believe anything that someone with dreadlocks tells them.
3) They are often vegetarian, or worse, vegan, in the misguided belief that this prevents cruelty to animals. They don't realise that vole populations are decimated when a field of corn is cut down, or that humans evolved to be omnivorous.
4) They love anything Eastern, and astrology, tarot cards, and anything else that they haven't taken the trouble to understand properly.
5) They often do martial arts, but can't fight properly. Like they kick you really slowly, so you can just grab their leg and pull them over.
6) Oh yeah and many of them love drugs and hero-worship Syd Barrett, even though he went totally mad from too much LSD.
7) They love lentils because they're so versatile.

My mate Lisa is cool, but she's such a goddamn hippy.

by a guy who knows February 27, 2004

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This was once a term reserved for dirty longhairs from the 70s who wore tie die shirts, a peace sign, and patchouli. They protested and cried about most everything, and pioneered the anti-vaccine movement of the 2000s with some dumbass shit about autism. Today theyโ€™ve updated their costumes. They can be easily spotted wearing clothes with American flags on them, usually bought at Walmart in the clearance section. Some will advertise that they now own guns, solely listen to country music, and will fly Trump or Donโ€™t Tread on Me flags in their yards as well. They protest in front of schools, freeway overpasses, and vaccination clinics. Hippie as fuck as they are, they still cry about the dangers of vaccines like little scared bitches. By contrast, being the naturalists that they are, they are not against all medicines, as they like to wash down natural ingredients promoted by their holistic medicine man, their Maharishi holy man, Donald Trump. These items include Lysol, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and still patchouli oil to keep up the hippie tradition. Some identify themselves as conservatives, flying a tattered ass flag off their truck, wearing the same unoriginal โ€œLetโ€™s Go Brandonโ€ shirt, and telling everyone they are moving to Texas. To their dismay, true conservatives never protested and always looked down on those who did. Ronald Reagan would be ashamed. They donโ€™t realize that despite new look, these toothless folks are just whining hippies minus the tie die shirts.

Person 1: Hey Chad, do you want to go to Walgreens with me to protest the Covid-19 Vaccine with me, to help save humanity from being microchipped.

Person 2: Hell no! Iโ€™ve got better shit to do with my time. When did you become such a protesting, whiny ass little bitch Chad? Youโ€™re a fucking hippie.

by Kentuckywoman082 December 18, 2021

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hippy is someone who in 1960-1970's lived on the west coast and just had fun...now a hippy is someone who just tries to live in this fing capitalism,triest to have fun,but can't...because JH is dead,and so is my little sad girl Janis Joplin.
Peace-we still love the farm!

A hand on a cock is more right,and pleasant,than a hand on the trigger...

by woodstock hippy June 3, 2005

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