One who accumulates and stockpiles pussy for future use.
That friggin' Jessie Stamos crashed the party and in half an hour that pussy hoarder had five phone numbers, including my girl's!
Hoarders that hoard just way too much
Are you a Hoarder of God?”
Someone. Who feels privileged and entitled to for instance water their lawn with total impunity even when there's a drought going on. They insist on maintaining their emerald green escarpment even when their brethren in the 'flatlands' lawns are turning brown due to compliance with water use restrictions
I can never look at tom selleck the same now that I know he's a. Water hoarder!
A girl that keeps all of her girlfriends away from her guy friends.
Nadim - How come you never set me up with any of your hot friends?
Thy - I don't want it to be uncomfortable for me if it doesn't work out and I don't want them to blame me if you are a jerk.
Nadim - You are a snatch hoarder!
Thy - F#!* you!
Someone who collects compromising anecdotes and personal Achilles' heel tales from friends and acquaintances for boosting his or her own morale and for possible weaponizing at some critical later date.
Don't kid yourself about Carol being a good listener. She's an emotional hoarder, and anything you told her while you were inebriated at that party will eventually come back to haunt you.
People who use the restroom hand-dryers to excessively warm their hands and/or body, and sometimes dry their hair.
My hands are still wet because the heat hoarder was taking forever with the hand dryer.
Someone who hoards PPE (Personal Protective Equipment in excessive manners.
Dude that asshole stole my only mask! What a Covid hoarder!