When one person burps into another's asshole
"damn, after I gave her that Texas hotbox she gotta feel like a fucking propane tank!"
Russian hotboxing:
Putting a bottle of vodka into a humidifier in order to get drunk
I did some Russian hotboxing with my friends yesterday. I got hella wasted and ruined my humidifier
1. When you and your friends go in a room with a hangover and let the most smelliest, nastiest, foulest farts you can ever imagine fill the room while your companions take a huge whif of hell!!! 2. The act of drunk hotboxing.
Man I can’t believe we’re totally gonna have all this beans, Limburger cheese, and broccoli with lots of beer and liquor! We should totally have a drunk hotboxing day tomorrow!!!
When you fart when driving a vehicle with passengers and pre-emptively lock the windows and doors forcing your passengers/victims to choke on your fart.
Have my girl and her friend a lift home from training and I totally Dutch hotboxed them after my double protein shake.
Where you hotbox under a quilt, usually with a bong to not spread ash. Sort of a mix between a Jamaican Hotbox and a Dutch Oven.
Damo: “Cunt, I did a Dutch Hotbox last night, ripped like 7 billies and got so fucking fried”
Bazza: “Oh you sick cunt”
An adjective to describe a room in which a “hotbox” can be performed.
“Woah dude, your room is totally hotboxable.”
When you blow smoke on a guys crotch
Person 1 "Man she gave me a hotbox cock!"
Person 2 "I don't believe you man."