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how do you do fellow kids

"how do you do fellow kids" is a term to use when companies or quite literally anything try to be all cool and hip with the youth.

normal & rational person: i hate opera gx's marketing

opera gx: how do you do fellow kids?

wendy's: how do you do fellow kids?

normal & rational person: can you guys stfu

by rk092 January 6, 2024


A quote said by very WEIRD people who DON'T KNOW HOW TO RUN?

Person 1: HOW DO I RUN
Person 2: Why are you asking me this, weirdo? You seem pretty weird. Go fondle some farts or something.

by someone who fondles farts. August 2, 2024

how to do my laundry

Why would you search this up in here of all places?

"How to do my laundry"

"I dunno, maybe try searching in google instead"

by TheMCveteran February 22, 2025

How much clean time do you have

When a female is known for sucking more than one males dick on any occasion and doesn't hesitate to suck another and another back to back in hopes of only to suck more ND more forever!! 😀

Her: Can I suck your dick?

Him: Hummm? Idk? How much clean time do you have?

by Gaggy p June 29, 2023

how do i type

used by ppl who dont know how to type apparently

Person 1: How do i type

Person 2: ??? Wdym u just typed

Person 1: Nuh uh

by Indigoblue4002 January 22, 2025

how do you describe wall

you don't its fiscally impossible to describe a wall

person 1: hey how do you describe wall person 2: I don't know it's a wall

by adriel is best March 23, 2021

How we do

How we do

That’s how we do

by September 27, 2021