additional meaning: collective noun for a group of Grandmothers. Since Grandmothers are known for their their use of a cross between hugs and cuddles, already known as huggles, it makes sense for a group of grans to be a Huggle.
"I will become an official member of the Huggle in September, when my son's twins are born."
"The Huggle had to set limits on how many grandbaby pictures could be shared by each Grandma at each Huggle gathering. "
Huggle is a dating and social app that lets you discover and connect with people who go to the same places as you. From that gig you went to last night to your favourite restaurant.
Huggle connects you to people who share your lifestyle and interests.
"I matched the fittest girl on Huggle and we have 9 mututal places"
"Wow, I'm going to have to download it"
The standard furry greetings. A combo of a Hug and a Snuggle. very fuzzy :D
I'm taking my friends to Furcon so they can have a Huggle!
A hug/ snuggle from a platonic friend. Kinda like a snuggle, but definitely not leading to more!!
I just want to hang out with my bestie and get some huggles.