(Hi emma it's your bff here just so you know this is all true) emma Jane is a beautiful smart and gourges girl, when you meet her you wanna be best friends for ever and help her through everything an emma Jane is like meeting a unicorn.
Wowowowo she is so kawii she is defentally a emma jane
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Mary Jane is the hottest girl you will ever meet. She is very sweet and extremely lovable. shes funny and she will have the cutest laugh ever. If you meet a mary jane keep her forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and make her your best friend or your girlfriend!
Omg that mary jane is sooo hot! i love her
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Mia-Jane's are kind, caring and considerate. A true Gemini and a tad bossy. ♊. She's stubborn aswell :) However, she will always be there if you need help :D
Wow Mia-Jane
A member of the rock cycle. The poor sedimentary rock.
As predicted, "Jane" the Rock came out of the house, looking the best a rock could look.
Hottest milf ever. People with the name Leah Jane are so fucking attractive it’s literally breathtaking when they walk into a room I seriously don’t know any leah janes who are ugly.
“who’s that hot mf walking over there”
“bro i just know that’s Leah Jane”
A fictional character from the Netflix original show 'Stranger Things'
Did you guys finally find out that Eleven is Jane Ives yet?
Verb. Blend of the word “Jane” and the informal form “splaining” of the gerund “explaining”. Is a pejorative term meaning "(of a woman) to comment on or explain something to a man in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner.
“Can you believe she just Jane-splained how to cook noodles to Gordon Ramsay? “