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kingdom of loathing

One of the incredible online communities Waqcku is in, by far the greatest web site ever created, led by Jick and his excellent staff

Wow, scince i have started playing on the Kingdom of Loathing, i don't sleep, eat or see any people besides my mom!

by Derek Byrd January 26, 2005

49👍 35👎

keys to the kingdom

being given the 'green light' for sex! -bliss for men and even liked by a few women!!

judy gave me the 'keys to the kingdom' then made a mess of me!!
she gave him the keys to the kingdom, his joy was indescribable!
she knew she was going to 'get off'!! he gave her the keys to the kingdom!

by michael foolsley December 31, 2010

6👍 2👎

Kingdom of Liveno

The kingdom of Liveno AKA Liveno is a small micronation in Pennsylvania created by yours truely Zach Morris

The kingdom of Liveno is soooooooooooooooo kewl.

by I💗fatmen March 12, 2023

kingdom school

private school in riyadh used as a detention center or prison for children of all ages

my mom hates me she made we transfer to kingdom schools

my parents sent my brother to kingdom school because he didn’t pray fajr

by kingdom schools October 19, 2019

kingdom player

A "Brother In Christ" who hides behind being a Christian but still flirts with girls in order to feed his own ego and get his emotional fix. Makes woman feel like they are very special and they are the only one for him but little do they know he is doing that to many.

Question: "What is up with that one, he is cute?"

Answer: "Yeah he is but watch out with that one, he is a kingdom player. "

by properkat October 23, 2014

Fallen kingdom

It makes your apple juice into apple flavoured juice

Damn! Fallen kingdom made my apple juice into apple flavoured juice!

by Dragonlord98 May 17, 2021

Kingdom of Sycamore

The Kingdom of Sycamore is a micronation/secession movement bordered with the Commonwealth of Australia and Arkovia.

Kingdom of Sycamore

by SwedenAviator September 7, 2018