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Daily Kos (Daily Kooks)

Daily kooks 30 something and can typically be found in their parents basement about to,in the middle of or just finished whacking off to old Liberace posters. They pride themselves as being "enlightened", but when faced with a debate of substance, they start sputtering bumper sticker slogans such as "Bush Lied, troops Died" or Jesus was an organizer and Pointus Pilot was a Governor". If this doesn't work, then they resort to throwing food and running off like pansies.

They preach about how the government is so bad while leaching untold amounts of money from the government under the guise of "welfare". Usually they use the tactics of Saul Alinsky when they don't get their way or losing an argument, they go to ridiculing and making up stories to fit their agenda. No need to visit this sight unless you are depressed, suicidal or need a good laugh. Usually can be found wearing Obama t-shirts stating "change-Delusions you can believe in".

Uh oh, another democratic party member recieved his talking points from the Daily Kos (Daily Kooks).

by Claymaximus September 18, 2008

137👍 39👎

Kook aid pop

When you have sex with a girl on her period and she gives you head

My girl was on her period so I gave her a refreshing kook aid pop

by Redtuesday July 23, 2015


meaning pooped/shit

oh no, i think i may have kooked myself!

by djshdishxk March 3, 2023


That nigga we kill you on gawd

Oh shit here come kooke

by 💉🅱️ December 6, 2019


The cutest Man to ever live

Non kpop fan: who’s that man? He looks handsome & cute
Army: oh that’s Kook

by Amber_byul August 5, 2020


Acronym meaning "Keeper Of Odd Knowledge." Probably first coined by Rush Limbaugh.

Too much attention these days is being given to the KOOKs in Washington.

by beau grand os March 13, 2021


mels angel, mel loves him sfm. she would die for him. mel is not a solo stan,, she loves bangtan and other kpop groups and solo artists too. mel wants to hug him so tight. mel wants to wake up next to him. mel is dreaming of him.
mel is talkin bout him all day and night. mel loves his voice, his smile, his CUTE lil moles, his ass, his lovely nose, his strong body, his wonderful eyes, his hands, his legs, his arms, his toes, his pretty ears, his lil lips, his amazing teeth, his skin, his perfect hair, his eyelids and eyebrows, his fingers, his cute forehead, his tiny waist, his smol nipples, his fucking chest and ughhh. MEL just LOVES HIM.

mel: uh i wanna die.
-: is it kook again???he is killin u again, amirite?
mel: ahahahah what?no no no............
......who the fucc am i trying to fool tho;,(

by kooksunderlipmole February 1, 2018