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Madame and Eve, not Adam and Eve!

A phrase that lesbian women would exclaim to groups of people to express their defiant pride of their sexual orientation.

Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve!

When I was witnessing the gay pride parade, I've gotten really horny when I saw a bunch of half-naked to naked lesbian chicks marching down and screaming "Madame and Eve, not Adam and Eve!"

by Mark H July 17, 2004

38πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

And a good day to you, madam!

A closing to an interaction taking place between two individuals that is ment to convey good wishes but when used between two males, it is ment to be insulting.

I saw these totally botacious females that I wanted to bone, so I yelled, "And a good day to you, madam!"

by Mike Fonahue August 17, 2009

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Adam and Eve, not Madame and Eve

A term used to show disapproval for lesbian realtionships.

Sam: I saw a lesbian wedding on TV just now.
Wendy: Gross!God made Adam and Eve, not Madame and Eve!

by Jack Bond February 11, 2008

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madam palm and her five sisters

a wank

the wife had gone out so i slipped my cock in to madam palm and her five sisters

by terry the wordsmith September 23, 2003

34πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

madam palm and her five sisters

having a wank

the wife had gone out so i slipped my cock into madam palm and her five sisters

by terry the wordsmith September 23, 2003

15πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Madame Gourgeon

Madame Gourgeon is a dedicated Danny Devito cult leader. No matter what they say, no matter how much they deny it it's true. The cult following is probably side affect of having a similar physique, fat as fuck. Their extreme lack of cardio and virginity to being called anything related to the word β€œpretty” is surely why they can easily turn off any man.

Youve got the physique of a Madame Gourgeon

by Ivan Allen Jacobs April 29, 2024

Madame shoizelle

A person who is a drama queen over absolute everything and if it’s not there way it’s the highway.

Damn your such a madame shoizelle!

by ItzMalachite April 23, 2022