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cougar magnet

A young male who frequently attracts the sexual advances of older sexually aggressive women. See 'cougar'.

Wow another older woman is hitting on Mike, he's a real cougar magnet.

by Thought Criminal January 21, 2008

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Pussy magnet

A man or woman who attracts the attention of a lot of women or cats.

George Clooney is such a pussy magnet.

I've got catnip at home, it's a total pussy magnet.

by Dukkemand January 22, 2015

44๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

porcelain magnets

you shit with such force that it obtains an adhesive that allows it to stick to the walls of the toilet

I had post-mexican blowout and discovered my tirade left the toilet riddled with porcelain magnets.

by Porcelain Magneteer October 3, 2007

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Eye Magnet

Any anatomical feature so outstanding (be it for size, attractiveness or freakishness) that it commands one's attention at first glance and is difficult to not notice, double-take, stare-at or rubber-neck.

Woman: "What are you staring at?"
Man: "Come on; don't act like you don't know you're harboring eye magnets! You look like you're smuggling twins on the black market"
Woman: "Jerk."
Man: "Maybe later."

by Shandooga McGluckfeez November 3, 2010

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shit magnet

Any person, in which trouble and drama, follows them everywhere they go.

"Stay away from that chick. She's a total shit magnet."

by D. Gould January 1, 2007

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She magnet

A girl who is so attractive that you are,stuck looking at her with a magnetic stare!

That girl is,a,she magnet she pulls my eyes toward her and I can't stop looking!

by Joecrash396 June 18, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

DILF Magnet

A girl, usually in her early to mid-twenties, who tend to attract older men who are typically married & usually have kids. A girl can only claim the title of a "DILF Magnet" if she goes for an extended period of time of only getting hit on by DILFs & not guys her own age.

Jordyn: *siiigh of frustration* It happened again....
Chelsey: How old was this one?
Jordyn: 37.
Chelsey: Divorced?
Jordyn: and two kids.
Chelsey: God J, you're such a DILF Magnet!

by Perfect4 August 20, 2012

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