I'll bite; marijuana is overrated and also it makes your teeth yucky.
Marijuana smokers scream until they're blue in the face that it's never killed anybody, while writing off as coincidence that regular marijuana smokers get lung cancer almost as often as their nicotine-addicted counterparts. Or that marijuana shows up in the blood of those who cause fatal traffic accidents almost as often as alcohol.
The over-all death rate is relatively low precisely because marijuana usage is relatively low, but that will change fast if we put marijuana into corner stores as the senators recommend. The world's biggest tobacco companies have already trademarked brand names like "Acapulco Gold" so if any country ever legalises marijuana, they can move fast to get packs of 20 "Acapulco Golds" into the supermarkets next to the bananas, or to lace existing tobacco brands with subliminal levels of marijuana.
Intresting though, when you mention this to the marijuana user they always try to change the subject "Hey what about alcohol, what about smokes? I WANTS TO GET HIGH BROTHA, LET'S GET RETARDED BRO!!!" I'm not really concerned with what you do but it should be common sense to just say 'no'.
261๐ 980๐
An illegal substance that is smokeable. There are all kinds of names for this word, which are used all the time referring to it (a LOT of'em are my terms for marijuana):
*Stuff (my term for it; also "The Stuff")
*Scooby Doo
*Blow (also a term for cocaine)
*Peacepipe (usually used for native american types)
*Pipe (depends greatly, although unfortunately a lot of pipes contain marijuana)
......and MANY more terms.
"I don't smoke marijuana, especially ever since the first time I got ripped in early May 2002. It fucks with one's mind...I don't need that."
52๐ 177๐
Slang for cannabis. Not the best thing to do.
28๐ 85๐
An herb that ruins lives of people who had alot of potential of being successful in the game of life.
I wish that i've never smoked marijuana. Now that I'm grown up I can see how it has ruined my life.
11๐ 30๐
1. n. A potent depressiv that makes you feel all light and happy, but even that won't save you from the beating the cops/your mother's about to give you.
2. n. A word that people think that if they prasie on the internet, even though they themself have never used, let alone see it (excluding that funny man who smokes it in front of BK), will make them an automatic cool person
1. "Ok, we're really stoned from all that marijuana, so just drvie at 5 mph so we don;t attract any attention"
2. I'm gonna be l33t cuz 1 pr41z3D a dr(_)6! L0l!
3. I ahve a feeling thsi one definition on marijuana will be deleted very soon by a 'pothead' nerd.
87๐ 352๐
A drug that is illegal for good reason-- it will ruin your life.
The argument that you cannot be addicted to marijuana is ridiculous. Whether or not the body craves it, the mind craves it and the sense of calm it gives. Nobody's body is addicted to Warcraft, and yet how many guys do you see vegetating in front of their computers?
Pot is, in no way or form, a "better alternative drug." The effects are especially severe on teenagers. Short term, marijuana has been proven to hinder the parts of the mind that control memory, attention, and learning. Long term, users are faced with cancer, as well as lung, airway, and immune system damage. Weed causes as much harm as cocaine, heroin, and alcohol.
For illegal drugs in general, any happiness gained is completely artificial. Would you rather have real emotions from real experiences that you've been through in real life or fake emotions from chemicals messing with your brain?
Pot negatively affects family relationships, school performance, and everyday activities, and will destroy hope of a future with a decent job. There are, however, both in-patient and out-patient programs that can help marijuana-addicts regain normal lives.
Bimbos of the world are working to legalize marijuana. Please, if you are one of these people, channel your efforts towards more useful causes, such as poverty relief or education in Third World countries-- Earth would be a much better place.
Olivia: Your breath smells like marijuana. Again. You know what I've told you about that.
Steve: I don't fucking care, you fucking brat.
O: Look at the time. Five in the morning. You're ruining your life. Heck, you don't even go to school anymore.
S: Leave me alone.
O: Look, I'm saying this because I'm your sister and I care about you. (Olivia starts crying.) You can still stop this, with help. Please, Steve.
S: (screaming now) Shut the fuck up!
(Dad is alerted.)
Dad: (screaming from his room upstairs) Two fucking hours ago you said you'd be home!
S: Whatever. (under his breath) Faggot.
(Dad comes down and takes in son warily)
D: Get your act together, I'm going to sleep. (He pauses then speaks with icy carefulness) If you steal my car again, I'm calling the police. I won't mention you're my son, because you'll have been disowned.
S: Dad...
(Dad goes into his room and slams door. Steve starts to cry. Olivia puts a hand on his shoulder)
O: You can still get help.
(Steve pulls away and retreats to his room)
15๐ 48๐