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Catfish Moustache

#1. The invisible stink residue left over on the face after eating a girl out who was either absent the day they taught how to clean the vag area in 8th grade health class or just returned from a run before intercourse.

#2. Hairs left around the mouth after eating out a hairy ass (either guy or girl).

I need a shower bad to wash off the stank on my junk and the Catfish Moustache off my face. It smells like a dead pirates swass.

by SeaBreeze September 3, 2008

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persian moustache

A sex position you learn in a dream when you ask some porn stars that are in love what their favorite move to do off screen is.

I gave Emma a Persian Moustache and she orgasmed so aggressively and loudly that I had to fight a guy because he wouldn't mind his own business

by Idontwanttomakeapsuedonym October 18, 2017

Bob's moustache

The stereotypical moustache of a person named Bob

Someone: he has a nice moustache
Someone else: nah, its a real Bob's moustache

by Supervenom June 10, 2021

Plumber’s Moustache

When a man is performing oral stimulation on the anus of his lady friend and develops a brown coloured stain in his upper lip.

I went all time crazy on my girl’s a-hole and earned me a plumber’s moustache!

by Ryfish! January 4, 2019

Velvet Moustache

A horizontal landing strip, usually groomed to look like a moustache

I only fool around with a girl if she's got a velvet moustache!

by Goose9 July 15, 2016

glitter moustache

When you snort cocaine but more of it ends up in your moustache than in your nose.

Gary, check yourself before we head back to the dance floor. You've got a glitter moustache situation going on.

by alviere January 6, 2017

frosty moustache

When a gay man releases his specimen on his partner's moustache, giving it a fantastic frosty coating.

Guy 1: So how'd it go with Bruce last night?
Guy 2: What a night! First we had dinner, and then we went to his place and I got an amazing a frosty moustache!

by HippityHoff December 4, 2015