In the online gaming context it refers to a 'noob-ass bitch'.
Look at that idiot just spinning in place. What a nab.
Noun, meaning really shitty or expired snacks
Hey man, you want some nabs? We have a machine over there.. they may be slightly stale though
A practise on twitter popularised by Nabinjal aka @KK_FCB5. Nabbing means to steal the idea of a tweet or to completelt steal a tweet from someone else to get a lot of likes
Pinjal's favourite hobby is nabbing
When you have not FUCKED someone for a long time and you are so desperate to get a FUCK you walk the illegal line.
Grounds for physical HOMOSEXUAL CASTRATION balls and prostate system
I am going to RAPE that guy right in his ASSHOLE as he has some bad SHIT hanging in the air so I can NAB TAIL as even with his illegal attributes I won't get in trouble.
If you are in the TALIBAN you don't care where you NAB TAIL as every human is fair game with these real HARD LINE FUCKERS.
What is wrong with that HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE as the past action of the NAB TAIL still follows his behind all the way to that EUNICHS OPERATING SYSTEM