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best that never was

one who constantly and consistently loses at many aspects of life, refusing to change their way of life though it continually fails them.This almost sad way of life is laughed upon by their peers, and still they don't understand why nor notice their life is on the brink of hitting rock bottom.
may be seen hung over sleeping in an odd place with a half full beer in one hand and the other hand down their pants.

Bill boy you just lost two hundred dollars gambling, haven't been to class in two weeks,nor have you noticed your parents and grlfriend are embarassed of you, your the best that never was.

by Than Mattle December 10, 2003

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


What you have to say after anything happens. Yes, anything.

Wanna go out for some sushi?


by Cheesebadger January 12, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Describes members of the USA House of Represetatives who refused to vote to confirm Keven McCarthy as Speaker of the House.
Has currently spawned further phrases such as: kevverz (referring to McCarthy himself), the Sedition Caucus (what the group of never-kevverz is also known as).

Nancy almost returned to her old job because of the never-kevverz.
McCarthy tryin' to be a player, but you know something? I am a NEVER-KEVVER (shout out to the late great Stuart Scott)

by rick_rich January 17, 2023


when you say "cya" out of habbit to someone you don't know or wont ever see again.

eg. of the "never-cya"

1) telemarketer - Hi can I interest you in the latest plan from optus?

person - ah nah thanks

telemarketer - thank you for your time

person - cya *hang ups* uh....

by pseudonymismyrealname June 18, 2009

Never mind

Meaning you were to dumb to get it the first time so I just gave up

Bob: "How about that play "
Man :"what"
Bob "never mind....."

by Lilly_B22 June 14, 2017

never heard of it

never heard of it are an amazing band who come from america, they sing about tacos and tequila but apart from that they sing about things that mean something to them. The band members are davin,rick,jeff,elmo and greg. they are funny guys who are great to hang out with. they have had many albums including limited edition,moving on,the new shit and their new album 11 days. some of their songs are taco song,alone,waste of time,up all night,no regrets,veronica,build me up,i'll change for now,last letter read,hard headed,feb 31st,etc. they are fucken awesome.

i saw a band called 'never heard of it' in concert in brighton and i met davin and got elmos drumstick,jeffs water and jeff,rick and davin hugged me and signed my t-shirt.

by rachel February 18, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

never heard

Short for "Never heard of him/her/them/it/etc."

"What do you know about that kid Johnson 'The Snake?'"
"Never heard."

by Anonymous July 14, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž