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A nother way of saying somthing's emo.

Maggie: BUhahah!! Fall to my Emoness!!
Guy: No...loser...
Maggie: meaniepoo!

by lalalalagumdrops August 28, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


An oversused clique.
the word "emo" is around because society made it.
today everything is "emo"...
we get called emo if we like the color black, or wear converse and skinny jeans. We get called emo if we arnt happy 24/7. we get called emo for having hair in front of our eyes. we get called emo for wearing eyeliner. the list can go on..
it is thrown around like no other lable.
most people are too ignorant to know that emo is just a genre of music.

we are all guilty of using the emo clique.
even those of us who bitch about it.

by dinoxxlove February 24, 2008

84๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dear Diary,
Mood; apathetic. My parents are squeezing me tighter than my little sisters jeans...which look great on me by the way...people call gay cause like make out with dudes...or four dudes sometimes...but can't a guy be in touch with his emotions and make out with a dude or like four dudes and not be gay? well, I guess you wouldn't understand..no one ever does...where the hell are my candy cigarretes?

What is emo? What is existance? you wouldn't understand.

by *sigh* March 7, 2006

336๐Ÿ‘ 273๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stupid trend. Followers of this trend, often referred to as emo kids, think they are "alternative" (how is that possible when MTV stirred it all up?), when infact they are just as much sheeps as the preps. All emo kids look the same. They share the exact same values. They listen to the same horrible bands. Is that to be an individual? Is that unique? No. Most don't even know the origins of emo. Many of them claim they are "non-conformists". These days, "non-conformist" has lost its true meaning and is just another synonym for poser. How does supporting major clothing lines such as Hot Topic make you a non-conformist? You are the antithesis of that. Wake up. The emo trend is like hair-metal; in a few years you'll burn all pictures of yourself, being so ashamed that you had such an ugly haircut.

The third-wave emo movement is a testimony on how MTV (Manipulating Teenage Views) is able to pick up just about anything and mold it into a trend in order to make money, even if this results in mindless teenagers who can't think for themselves and destroying what's left of the real music scenes.

by andrea 91 July 10, 2006

1099๐Ÿ‘ 948๐Ÿ‘Ž


A large subculture of mostly middle to high class(the poor can not afford the prices sadly) white teenagers that started in England,after the introduction to punk, when people started wearing black converse, thick rimmed glasses,long sweeping hair,and wrote songs with mostly melancholy lyrics.Today it basically describes anyone that does a broad mixture of these following things: wearing heavy amounts of eyeliner whether being girl or boy, wearing black nail polish, wearing black tight clothes that are usually bought either at hot topic, listening to what is labeled as emo music, being depressed, wearing converse, cutting themselves as a form of release, having hair that covers one eye, having a sad and anti social(accept in like groups of course) personlity, being obsessed with death and the thought of death, etc. Both genders are labeled as and are usually bi but i believe that this stage in many teenagers lives, including my own, where they become experimental and let their emotions take hold of them. Most of the time this is just that, a stage, and will probably pass before high school graduation. Most teens start this fad because they are socially outcast so they say and do things they wouldnt normally to try and fit in,much like any gang member. Sometimes these actions result from past traumas or any other countlessly possible things. Most emos are posers in the first place though,they do it to fit in,not because they actually like any of it or they just thought it was cool. Because of this and the fact that most of them are all too aware that they themselves are posers, the term has become an insult and can lead to confrontation in the group. If any other kids read this,than just remember that not all emos are posers in their little clicks where each of them is 'misunderstood'. Look for one that is willing to talk to all walks of life, you never know, you may actually like them.

Emoboy1: dude, your eyeliners smearing,let me fix it.
Emoboy2: thanks.......i love you *kiss*

Emogirl1: hey guys,look at all the cuts i made last night *shows the trophies for all to see*
Emogirl2: oh that is so bad ass,look at mine.

by EmoAndLovinIt February 7, 2009

116๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emotional Hardcore
that is it

recently the term has been messed with but they are true Anti-Conformists such as Punk and Goth they use this terms to as another way of saying that they just follow what the heart says dos not just do something because its cool or fasionable be because they feel like it

I loved Emotional Hardcore back when it began it sounded cool. = I loved emo music back when it began it sounded cool.

by evan pozder December 28, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emo people are very special individuals who aren't afraid to show their emotions, love music and fashion, and hate only the stereotypes they're put under. Very openminded. Undeserving of the stick they recieve. Not necessarily gay or bisexual as so popularly insinuated. Everone is different. Accept it.

These are some beautiful Emo lyrics:
"I watch the seasons pull up its own stage, to catch the last weekend of the week, before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced. Another sunsoaked season has been replaced. You have stolen my heart."
By favourite Emo.. band 'Dashboard Confessional.'

by Emo Superstar. March 22, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž