Pang is a good boy.
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG look at that sexy moon (pang)
A tall chinese person who was the least popular kid in school but is now known by everyone in the school
past tense of ping
Guy 1: why this motherfucker keep on pinging everyone like stfu
Guy 2: bruh he only pang us once
Pang- a word British people use rather than the American word bang
British- yo the weather is bang today/that song is so pang bro
American- yo the weather is bangin today/ that song is bangin bro
When you are watching something and your heart drops, and it like pangs... But it then recovers quickly
"defined, My heart just panged
pang - verb to ping, past tense
Mostly used via the Discord application.
I already pang them.