Source Code

Pixel dust

The name for the proverbial dust on any file that has sat unopened in a computer for long periods of time.

I opened an old file and got a bunch of pixel dust in my eye.

by Sadie_Raydie September 26, 2010

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Pixel Perv

Someone who in a game like Guild wars or World of warcraft, hangs around, on top of, or at a good view to examine the pixel jugs and ass of a avatar in the game.

They are usually 13 year old emo fagots who make hundreds of puns, and will stand on or next to a female toon as much as they can, as it makes them feel like they have a girl friend, and will end up private messaging the player until is put on the ignore list and kicked from the alliance or Guild.

Female_monk:That Orion wouldn't stop standing on my monk, all he did was stand on her and pretend to rescue me when all he did was botch up the mission.
Guild_Leader: I know all he does is stand near you, he asked if he could transfer to our guild so he could be with you
Female_Monk:Hes been pming me non stop asking if i want to do missions with him, our last UWSC all he did was stand next to me and get himself killed trying to "Protect' me
Guild_leader:Don't worry I'm going to get his leader to kick him from the guild
Female_Monk: Good, he wont leave me alone, hes such a Pixel Perv

by GW_Watchman November 8, 2009

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Pixel Sluts

Women that have virtually online sex.

A girl in that dresses like a hooker and has 3-d sex for money.
Sometimes involving text chat, voice calls, and webcams all depending on the price. Additional 3-d furniture and toys are used to enhance the pleasure.

Common games that offer Pixel Sluts.
secondlife and redlightcenter

"I didn't know there are so many Pixel Sluts getting into some freaky second life sex."
"That girl is a total pixel slut don't even try to hook up with her unless your willing to pay for it."
"Who you callin' a Pixel Slut."

by Budd Raymaker February 2, 2009

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pixel whipped

A person that becomes controlled by a internet relationship; to the point where cyber-sex and pixels are more important then a real life sexual relationship. To become a chat room wanker full time.

a)Melissa makes Lonnie dance like a puppet on his webcam in front of 100 people. He is half a man now that hes PIXEL WHIPPED.
b)Instead of meeting a woman in his local area code; Frank made love to his hand in front of a computer screen. He is truely pixel whipped

by THECHILLPHILL June 21, 2008

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A Pimp

Pixel sat on the couch when the dog vomited on the carpet.

by David Zimmerman December 7, 2003

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Pixel Chick

Hot female video game/cgi avatar. In video games these characters are played my nerdly repressed males showing latent homosexuality.

"They should come out with a game where we are playmates and have pillow fights at the playboy mantion"

"d00d, just because your a pixel chick doesnt mean i wanna get with yah!"

by jrtjr January 31, 2004

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Pixel world

Its like growtopia but it is less cancerous and has better staff than growtopia.

Me : Hey, want to play pixel world?

Friend : Ye sure, you play growtopia?

Me : Fuck off.

by Succ Dicc May 23, 2018

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